Json2DartCommand class





aliases List<String>
Alternate names for this command.
no setterinherited
appsName String?
getter/setter pair
argParser ArgParser
The argument parser for this command.
no setterinherited
argResults ArgResults?
The parsed argument results for this command.
no setterinherited
bodyDateFormat String
getter/setter pair
category String
The command's category.
no setteroverride
defaultBodyDateFormat String
getter/setter pair
defaultResponseDateFormat String
getter/setter pair
description String
A description of this command, included in usage.
no setteroverride
featureName String?
getter/setter pair
fix List<String>
getter/setter pair
format List<String>
getter/setter pair
globalResults ArgResults?
The parsed global argument results.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hidden bool
Whether or not this command should be hidden from help listings.
no setterinherited
invocation String
A single-line template for how to invoke this command (e.g. "pub get package").
no setterinherited
isApi bool
getter/setter pair
isEndpoint bool
getter/setter pair
isOnlyUnitTest bool
getter/setter pair
isReplace bool
getter/setter pair
isUnitTest bool
getter/setter pair
listClassNameBody List<ModelClassName>
getter/setter pair
listClassNameEntity List<ModelClassName>
getter/setter pair
listClassNameMapper List<ModelClassName>
getter/setter pair
listClassNameResponse List<ModelClassName>
getter/setter pair
listClassNameUnitTest List<ModelClassName>
getter/setter pair
name String
The name of this command.
no setteroverride
pageName String?
getter/setter pair
parent Command?
The command's parent command, if this is a subcommand.
no setterinherited
projectName String
getter/setter pair
regexDateTime RegExp
responseDateFormat String
getter/setter pair
runner CommandRunner?
The command runner for this command.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
subcommands Map<String, Command>
An unmodifiable view of all sublevel commands of this command.
no setterinherited
suggestionAliases List<String>
Alternate non-functional names for this command.
no setterinherited
summary String
A short description of this command, included in parent's CommandRunner.usage.
no setterinherited
takesArguments bool
Whether or not this command takes positional arguments in addition to options.
no setterinherited
usage String
Generates a string displaying usage information for this command.
no setterinherited
usageFooter String?
An optional footer for usage.
no setterinherited


addSubcommand(Command command) → void
Adds Command as a subcommand of this.
appendMapper(String pathPage, String apiName, dynamic response) → void
createDataDataSourceTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest) → void
createDataModelBody(String pathPage, String pageName, String apiName, dynamic body, [bool isMultipart = false, List<String> paramPath = const []]) → void
createDataModelBodyTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, String apiName, dynamic jsonBody, String bodyVariable, bool isBodyList) → void
createDataModelResponse(String pathPage, String pageName, String apiName, dynamic response) → void
createDataModelResponseTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, String apiName, dynamic jsonResponse, dynamic responseVariable, bool isResponseList) → void
createDataRepositoryTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest) → void
createDomainEntity(String pathPage, String pageName, String apiName, dynamic response) → void
createDomainEntityTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest) → void
createDomainRepositoryTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest) → void
createDomainUseCaseTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest) → void
createJsonResponseTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, String apiName, String jsonResponse) String
createMapper(String pathPage, Map map) → void
createMapperTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest) → void
createModelUnitTest({required String pathTestPage, required String appsName, required String featureName, required String pageName, required String pathPage, required String apiName, required dynamic jsonBody, required dynamic jsonResponse, required dynamic body, required dynamic response, required String method, required List<String> paramPath, required String? pathHeader, required String? cacheStrategy, required int? ttl, required bool? keepExpiredCache}) Map<String, String>
createPresentationBlocTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest) → void
createPresentationCubitTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest) → void
createPresentationPageTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest) → void
createPresentationWidgetTest(String pathTestPage, String featureName, String pageName, List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest) → void
formatDateString(String input) String
fromMap(String apiClassName, Map map, String suffix, List<ModelClassName> listClassName, String parent) String
getBodyClass(String suffix, String name, String parent, Map? map, [bool root = false, bool isMultipart = false, List<String> paramPath = const []]) String
getBodyVariableUnitTest(String apiName, dynamic body, String parent, List<String> paramPath) String
getChangeDateTimeFromMapJson(String json) String
getChangeDateTimeFromMapJsonBody(String json) String
getConstOrFinalValue(String value) String
getEntityClass(String suffix, String name, String parent, Map? map, [bool root = false]) String
getExtensionMapper(String suffix, String name, String parent, Map? map, String? parentList, bool fromList, [bool root = false]) String
getMapFromJson(String? path, {required void callbackJsonIsList(), String warningMessage = 'Format json not valid!'}) → dynamic
getResponseClass(String suffix, String name, String parent, Map? map, [bool root = false]) String
getResponseVariableUnitTest(String apiName, dynamic body, String parent, {String suffix = 'Response', String variable = 'response'}) String
getTypeVariable(String key, dynamic value, String suffix, List<ModelClassName> listClassName, String parent) String
getValueUnitTest(String key, dynamic value, String suffix, String parent, String asImport, [String? parentList]) String
getVariableFromMap(String key, dynamic value, String suffix, List<ModelClassName> listClassName, String parent) String
getVariableToMap(String key, dynamic value) String
getVariableToMapBody(String key, dynamic value) String
handleApi({required String featureName, required String featurePath, required String pageName, required String pathPage, required String apiName, required dynamic body, required dynamic response, required String? method, required String pathUrl, required List<String> paramPath, required String? header, required bool isBodyList, required bool isResponseList, required String? cacheStrategy, required int? ttl, required bool? keepExpiredCache, required String? appsName}) Future<void>
handleFeature(String featurePath, String featureName, dynamic featureValue, String? appsName) Future<void>
handlePage({required String featureName, required String featurePath, required String pageName, required dynamic pageValue, required String? appsName}) Future<void>
handleUnitTest({required String pathTestPage, required String featureName, required String pageName, required Map pageValue, required List<Map<String, String>> resultModelUnitTest}) → void
init() → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
printUsage() → void
Prints the usage information for this command.
processJson(Map<String, dynamic> jsonObject) Map<String, dynamic>
removeAllRelatedApiPage(String pathPage, String pageName, Map pageValue, bool isReplace) → void
removeAllRelatedApiPageUnitTest(String featureName, String pageName) → void
removeDir(String path) → void
removeFile(String path) → void
run() → void
Runs this command.
setConstractor(String apiClassName, Map map, [bool isMultipart = false, List<String> paramPath = const []]) String
setConstractorBody(String apiClassName, Map map, [bool isMultipart = false, List<String> paramPath = const []]) String
setPropsEquatable(Map map, [bool isMultipart = false, List<String> paramPath = const []]) String
setTypeData(Map map, String suffix, List<ModelClassName> listClassName, String parent, [bool isMultipart = false, List<String> paramPath = const []]) String
setValueVariableMapper(String key, dynamic value, TypeMapper typeMapper) String
setVariableEntity(Map map, TypeMapper typeMapper) String
toMap(Map map) String
toMapBody(Map map) String
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
usageException(String message) → Never
Throws a UsageException with message.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.