unique method

Iterable<E> unique({
  1. Set<E> factory()?,
  2. bool equals(
    1. E e1,
    2. E e2
  3. int hashCode(
    1. E e

Returns a lazy iterable that filters out duplicates from this Iterator.

Duplicates are filtered out using a Set keeping track of the unique objects seen so far. If a factory is provided, it is used to create a new set instance. Otherwise a standard HashSet is created using equals and hashCode, and if those are missing the iterator uses the objects' intrinsic Object.operator== and Object.hashCode for comparison.

The following expression iterates over 1, 2, 3, and 4; skipping the second occurrence of 2:

[1, 2, 3, 2, 4].unique()


Iterable<E> unique({
  Set<E> Function()? factory,
  bool Function(E e1, E e2)? equals,
  int Function(E e)? hashCode,
}) sync* {
  final uniques = factory == null
      ? HashSet(equals: equals, hashCode: hashCode)
      : factory();
  for (final element in this) {
    if (uniques.add(element)) {
      yield element;