nextPermutation method

bool nextPermutation({
  1. Comparator<E>? comparator,

Permutes this List in-place into the next permutation with respect to the provided comparator. Returns true if such a permutation exists, otherwise leaves the list unmodified and returns false.


bool nextPermutation({Comparator<E>? comparator}) {
  comparator ??= naturalCompare;
  var i = length - 2;
  while (i >= 0 && comparator(this[i], this[i + 1]) >= 0) {
  if (i < 0) {
    return false;
  var j = length - 1;
  while (comparator(this[i], this[j]) >= 0) {
  swap(i, j);
  reverseRange(i + 1, length);
  return true;