OperatorsIterableExtension<E> extension



largest(int count, {Comparator<E>? comparator}) List<E>
Returns a list of the count largest elements of this Iterable. The elements need to be Comparable, unless a custom comparator is provided.
max({Comparator<E>? comparator, E orElse()?}) → E
Returns the maximum of this Iterable. The elements need to be Comparable, unless a custom comparator is provided.
min({Comparator<E>? comparator, E orElse()?}) → E
Returns the minimum of this Iterable. The elements need to be Comparable, unless a custom comparator is provided.
minMax({Comparator<E>? comparator, ({E max, E min}) orElse()?}) → ({E max, E min})
Returns the minimum and maximum of this Iterable at once. The elements need to be Comparable, unless a custom comparator is provided.
smallest(int count, {Comparator<E>? comparator}) List<E>
Returns a list of the count smallest elements of this Iterable. The elements need to be Comparable, unless a custom comparator is provided.