Multiset<E>.fromIterable constructor
Multiset<E>.fromIterable (})
Creates a Multiset where the elements and their occurrence count is
computed from an iterable
The key
function specifies the actual elements added to the collection.
The default implementation is the identity function. Repetitions are
possible and merge into the previously added elements.
The count
function specifies the number of elements added to the
collection. The default function returns the constant 1.
factory Multiset.fromIterable/*<E>*/(
Iterable<Object?> /*<E>*/ iterable, {
E Function(Object? /*E*/ element)? key,
int Function(Object? /*E*/ element)? count,
}) {
final result = Multiset<E>();
key ??= (element) => element as E;
count ??= (element) => 1;
for (final element in iterable) {
result.add(key(element), count(element));
return result;