groupBy<K> method

Iterable<Group<K, V>> groupBy<K>([
  1. K key(
    1. V element

Groups consecutive keys of this Iterable.

The key is a function computing a key value for each element. If none is specified, the value itself is used as the key. Generally, the iterable should be sorted on the same key function.

For example, the expression

['a', 'a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c'].groupBy()
    .map((group) => '${group.key}: ${group.values}'
    .join(', ')


'a: aaa, b: bb, c: c'


Iterable<Group<K, V>> groupBy<K>([K Function(V element)? key]) sync* {
  final iterator = this.iterator;
  if (iterator.moveNext()) {
    final grouper = key ?? (element) => element as K;
    var group = Group<K, V>(grouper(iterator.current), <V>[iterator.current]);
    while (iterator.moveNext()) {
      final nextKey = grouper(iterator.current);
      if (group.key == nextKey) {
      } else {
        yield group;
        group = Group<K, V>(grouper(iterator.current), <V>[iterator.current]);
    yield group;