minCut method

StoerWagnerMinCut<V, E> minCut({
  1. num edgeWeight(
    1. V source,
    2. V target
  2. StorageStrategy<V>? vertexStrategy,

Returns an object that computes the min-cut using the Stoer-Wagner algorithm.

  • edgeWeight is a function function that returns the positive weight between two edges. If no function is provided, the numeric edge value or a constant weight of 1 is used.


StoerWagnerMinCut<V, E> minCut({
  num Function(V source, V target)? edgeWeight,
  StorageStrategy<V>? vertexStrategy,
}) =>
    StoerWagnerMinCut<V, E>(
      graph: this,
      edgeWeight: edgeWeight ?? _getDefaultEdgeValueOr(1),
      vertexStrategy: vertexStrategy ?? this.vertexStrategy,