mapFromCompanion method

D mapFromCompanion(
  1. Insertable<D> companion

Converts a companion to the real model class, D.

Values that are Value.absent in the companion will be set to null.


D mapFromCompanion(Insertable<D> companion) {
  final asColumnMap = companion.toColumns(false);

  if (asColumnMap.values.any((e) => e is! Variable)) {
    throw ArgumentError('The companion $companion cannot be transformed '
        'into a dataclass as it contains expressions that need to be '
        'evaluated by a database engine.');

  final context = GenerationContext(SqlTypeSystem.defaultInstance, null);
  final rawValues = asColumnMap
      .cast<String, Variable>()
      .map((key, value) => MapEntry(key, value.mapToSimpleValue(context)));

  return map(rawValues);