mapToSqlConstant static method

String mapToSqlConstant(
  1. Object? dart

Maps a Dart object to a SQL constant representing the same value.


static String mapToSqlConstant(Object? dart) {
  if (dart == null) return 'NULL';

  // todo: Inline and remove types in the next major drift version
  if (dart is bool) {
    return const BoolType().mapToSqlConstant(dart);
  } else if (dart is String) {
    return const StringType().mapToSqlConstant(dart);
  } else if (dart is int) {
    return const IntType().mapToSqlConstant(dart);
  } else if (dart is DateTime) {
    return const DateTimeType().mapToSqlConstant(dart);
  } else if (dart is Uint8List) {
    return const BlobType().mapToSqlConstant(dart);
  } else if (dart is double) {
    return const RealType().mapToSqlConstant(dart);

  throw ArgumentError.value(dart, 'dart',
      'Must be null, bool, String, int, DateTime, Uint8List or double');