groupConcat method

Expression<String?> groupConcat({
  1. String separator = ',',
  2. bool distinct = false,
  3. Expression<bool?>? filter,

Returns the concatenation of all non-null values in the current group, joined by the separator.

The order of the concatenated elements is arbitrary. If no non-null values exist in the group, NULL is returned.

If distinct is set to true (it defaults to false), duplicate elements are not added to the combined string twice.

To only consider rows matching a predicate, you can set the optional filter. Note that filter is only available from sqlite 3.30, released on 2019-10-04. Most devices will use an older sqlite version.

See also:


Expression<String?> groupConcat({
  String separator = ',',
  bool distinct = false,
  Expression<bool?>? filter,
}) {
  const sqliteDefaultSeparator = ',';

  // Distinct aggregates can only have one argument
  if (distinct && separator != sqliteDefaultSeparator) {
    throw ArgumentError(
        'Cannot use groupConcat with distinct: true and a custom separator');

  return _AggregateExpression(
      if (separator != sqliteDefaultSeparator) Variable.withString(separator)
    distinct: distinct,
    filter: filter,