MoorIsolate typedef

MoorIsolate = DriftIsolate

Defines utilities to run moor in a background isolate. In the operation mode created by these utilities, there's a single background isolate doing all the work. Any other isolate can use the connect method to obtain an instance of a GeneratedDatabase class that will delegate its work onto a background isolate. Auto-updating queries, and transactions work across isolates, and the user facing api is exactly the same.

Please note that, while running moor in a background isolate can reduce latency in foreground isolates (thus reducing UI lags), the overall performance is going to be much worse as data has to be serialized and deserialized to be sent over isolates. Also, be aware that this api is not available on the web.

See also:


@pragma('moor2drift', 'DriftIsolate')
typedef MoorIsolate = DriftIsolate;