Convert constructor

  1. @required dynamic input,
  2. @required dynamic to,
  3. dynamic onError,
  4. dynamic onNull,

Creates $convert operator expression

The argument can be any expression as long as it resolves to a string.

  • input - The argument can be any valid expression.
  • to - The argument can be any valid expression that resolves to one of the following numeric or string identifiers:
    • 'double'
    • 'string'
    • 'objectId'
    • 'bool'
    • 'date'
    • 'int'
    • 'long'
    • 'decimal'
  • onError - Optional. The value to return on encountering an error during conversion, including unsupported type conversions. The arguments can be any valid expression. If unspecified, the operation throws an error upon encountering an error and stops.
  • onNull - Optional. The value to return if the input is null or missing. The arguments can be any valid expression. If unspecified, $convert returns null if the input is null or missing.


Convert({@required input, @required to, onError, onNull})
    : super(
            'input': input,
            'to': to,
            'onError': onError,
            'onNull': onNull