mongo_dart library
Server-side driver library for MongoDb implemented in pure Dart. As most of IO in Dart, mongo_dart is totally async -using Futures and Streams. .
- Abs
operator - Accumulator
- Basic accumulation operator
- Add
operator - AddFields
aggregation stage - AddToSet
operator -
T> - Iterator for AEList
- AEList
- Aggregation expression's list
- AEObject
- Aggregation expression's object
- AggregateCursor
- AggregateOperation
- Collection is the collection on which the operation is performed In case of admin/diagnostic pipeline which does not require an underlying collection, the db parameter must be passed instead.
- AggregateOptions
- AggregationExpr
- Aggregation expression
- AggregationPipelineBuilder
- Aggregation pipeline builder
- AggregationStage
- Aggregation stage base
- And
operator - ArrayElemAt
operator - ArrayToObject
operator - Avg
operator - Box
- BsonBinary
- BsonBinaryData
- BsonCodec
- Bucket
aggregation stage - BucketAuto
aggregation stage - Builder
- Builder interface
- Bulk
- BulkWriteResult
- Case
- Case branch for Switch operator
- Ceil
operator - Center
- CenterSphere
- ChangeStreamOperation
- ChangeStreamOptions
- Parameters for the ChangeStream Operation
- ChunkHandler
- Cmp
operator - Codec
- CollationOptions
- Collation allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks. @Since(3.4)
- CommandCursor
- Concat
operator - ConcatArrays
operator - Cond
operator - Connection
- ConnectionManager
- ConnectionPool
- A connection pool that limits the number of concurrent connections to a MongoDB server.
- Const
- Constant expression
- Convert
operator - Count
aggregation stage - CreateCollectionCommand
- createCollection command.
- CreateCollectionOptions
- CreateIndexOperation
- CreateIndexOptions
@param {object} options Optional settings.
@param {(number|string)}
The write concern. @param {boolean}options.unique=false
Creates an unique index. @param {boolean}options.sparse=false
Creates a sparse index. @param {boolean}options.background=false
Creates the index in the background, yielding whenever possible. @param {boolean}options.dropDups=false
A unique index cannot be created on a key that has pre-existing duplicate values. If you would like to create the index anyway, keeping the first document the database indexes and deleting all subsequent documents that have duplicate value @param {number}options.min
For geospatial indexes set the lower bound for the co-ordinates. @param {number}options.max
For geospatial indexes set the high bound for the co-ordinates. @param {number}options.v
Specify the format version of the indexes. @param {number}options.expireAfterSeconds
Allows you to expire data on indexes applied to a data (MongoDB 2.2 or higher) @param {string}
Override the autogenerated index name (useful if the resulting name is larger than 128 bytes) @param {object}options.partialFilterExpression
Creates a partial index based on the given filter object (MongoDB 3.2 or higher) @param {object}options.collation
Specify collation (MongoDB 3.4 or higher) settings for update operation (see 3.4 documentation for available fields). @param {ClientSession}options.session
optional session to use for this operation - CreateViewCommand
- createView command.
- CreateViewOptions
- Cursor
- DateFromParts
- DateFromString
operator - DateToParts
operator - DayOfMonth
operator - DayOfWeek
operator - DayOfYear
operator - Db
- DbCollection
- DbCommand
- DBPointer
- DBPointerData
- DbRef
- DeleteManyOperation
- DeleteManyOptions
- DeleteManyStatement
- DeleteOneOperation
- DeleteOneOptions
- DeleteOneStatement
- Divide
operator - EJsonCodec
- Eq
operator - Exp
operator - Expr
operator - Facet
aggregation stage - Field
- Field path expression
- Filter
operator - FindAndModifyOperation
- FindAndModifyOptions
- FindAndModifyResult
- FindOperation
- FindOptions
- First
operator - Floor
operator - Geometry
- GeoNear
- GetLastErrorCommand
- getLastError command.
- Granularity
- Granularity for BucketAuto
- GraphLookup
- GridFS
- GridFSFile
- GridIn
- GridOut
- Group
aggregation stage - Gt
operator - Gte
operator - HelloCommand
- The Hello command takes the following form:
- HelloOptions
- Hello command options;
- HelloResult
- Class representing the output of the Hello command Not all values are represented. If you need something that here is missing use the execute method that returns the original Map document.
- Hour
operator - IfNull
operator - In
operator - IndexOfArray
operator - IndexOfBytes
operator - IndexOfCP
operator - InsertManyOperation
- InsertManyOptions
- InsertOneOperation
- InsertOneOptions
- IsArray
operator - IsoDateFromParts
- ISO date from parts
- IsoDayOfWeek
operator - IsoWeek
operator - IsoWeekYear
operator - JsCode
- This class is used to store Javascript code
- Last
operator - LegacyUuid
- This class is a convenient way for managing Binary subtype 3 Bson types (Uuid Old). The class holds the content in the format that will be stored in the data base. You can directly create the object with .fromHexString(), or use the format converters for each flavour that have been used As per today, the flavours I'm aware of are: Java legacy, C# legacy and Python legacy. The storing algorithn are the following (found in internet, please confirm me): Standard (subtype 4, not covered from this class): -- From value "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff" -- To value "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff" Java: -- From value "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff" -- To value "77665544-3322-1100-ffee-ddccbbaa9988" C#: -- From value "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff" -- To value "33221100-5544-7766-8899-aabbccddeeff" Python: -- From value "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff" -- To value "00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff"
- Let
operator - Limit
aggregation stage - ListCollectionsCursor
- ListIndexesCursor
- Literal
- Literal expression
- Ln
operator - Log
operator - Log10
operator - Lookup
aggregation stage - Lt
operator - Lte
operator - Ltrim
operator - MapOp
operator - Match
aggregation stage - Max
operator - MergeObjects
operator - Millisecond
operator - Min
operator - Minute
operator - Mod
operator - ModifierBuilder
- MongoGetMoreMessage
- MongoInsertMessage
- MongoKillCursorsMessage
- MongoMessage
- MongoMessageHandler
- MongoQueryMessage
- MongoRemoveMessage
- MongoReplyMessage
- MongoUpdateMessage
- Month
operator - Multiply
operator - Ne
operator - Not
operator - ObjectCodec
- ObjectId
- ObjectToArray
- Operator
- Basic aggregation operator
- Or
operator - OrderedBulk
- Output
- Creates an "output" document for the setWinowsDield stage
- PacketConverter
- Pow
operator - Project
aggregation stage - Push
operator - Range
operator - ReadPreference
The ReadPreference class is a class that represents a MongoDB
ReadPreference and is used to construct connections.
@param {string} mode A string describing the read preference mode (primary|primaryPreferred|secondary|secondaryPreferred|nearest)
@param {array} tags The tags object
@param {object}
Additional read preference options @param {number}options.maxStalenessSeconds
Max secondary read staleness in seconds, Minimum value is 90 seconds. @see @return {ReadPreference} - Reduce
operator - RegexFind
operator - RegexFindAll
operator - RegexMatch
operator - ReplaceOneOperation
- ReplaceOneOptions
- ReplaceOneStatement
- ReplaceRoot
aggregation stage - ReplaceWith
aggregation stage - ReverseArray
operator - Round
operator - Rtrim
operator - Sample
aggregation stage - SaslContinueCommand
- SaslStartCommand
- SaslStartOptions
- SaslStart command options;
- Second
operator - SelectorBuilder
- SerializationParameters
- SerializationRepository
- ServerCapabilities
- ServerConfig
- ServerStatusCommand
- ServerStatusOptions
- ServerStatus command options;
- SetStage
aggregation stage - SetWindowFields
aggregation stage - ShapeOperator
- There is
- Size
operator - Skip
aggregation stage - Slice
operator - Sort
aggregation stage - SortByCount
- Split
operator - Sqrt
operator - State
- StdDevPop
operator - StdDevSamp
operator - StrCaseCmp
operator - StrLenBytes
operator - StrLenCP
operator - SubstrBytes
operator - SubstrCP
operator - Subtract
operator - Sum
operator - Switch
operator - Timestamp
- ToBool
operator - ToDate
operator - ToDecimal
operator - ToDouble
operator - ToInt
operator - ToLong
operator - ToLower
operator - ToObjectId
operator - ToString
operator - ToUpper
operator - Trim
operator - Trunc
operator - Type
operator - UnionWith
aggregation stage - UnorderedBulk
- Unset
aggregation stage - Unwind
aggregation stage - UpdateManyOperation
- UpdateManyOptions
- UpdateManyStatement
- UpdateOneOperation
- UpdateOneOptions
- UpdateOneStatement
- Var
- Aggregation expression's variable
- Week
operator - WriteConcern
- WriteConcern control the acknowledgment of write operations with various paramaters.
- WriteResult
- A wrapper that contains the result status of the mongo shell write methods:
- Year
operator - Zip
- aggregateChangeStream → const String
- all → const SerializationParameters
- bsonSerialization → const SerializationParameters
- bulkArrayFilters → const String
- bulkCollation → const String
- bulkDeleteMany → const String
- bulkDeleteOne → const String
- bulkDocument → const String
- bulkDocuments → const String
- bulkFilter → const String
- bulkHint → const String
- bulkHintDocument → const String
- bulkInsertMany → const String
- bulkInsertOne → const String
- bulkReplacement → const String
- bulkReplaceOne → const String
- bulkUpdate → const String
- bulkUpdateMany → const String
- bulkUpdateOne → const String
- bulkUpsert → const String
- ejsonSerialization → const SerializationParameters
- key$Query → const String
- key_id → const String
- keyAdvisoryHostFQDNs → const String
- keyAfterClusterTime → const String
- keyAggregate → const String
- keyAllowDiskUse → const String
- keyAllowPartialResult → const String
- keyAlternate → const String
- keyArbiterOnly → const String
- keyArbiters → const String
- keyArrayFilters → const String
- keyAsserts → const String
- keyAuthdb → const String
- keyAuthenticate → const String
- keyAuthorizedCollections → const String
- keyAutoAuthorize → const String
- keyAutoIndexId → const String
- keyAwaitData → const String
- keyBackground → const String
- keyBackwards → const String
- keyBatchIndex → const String
- keyBatchSize → const String
- keyBypassDocumentValidation → const String
- keyCapped → const String
- keyCaseFirst → const String
- keyCaseLevel → const String
- keyClusterTime → const String
- keyCode → const String
- keyCodeName → const String
- keyColl → const String
- keyCollation → const String
- keyCollection → const String
- keyCommandType → const String
- keyComment → const String
- keyCompression → const String
- keyConnectionId → const String
- keyConnections → const String
- keyConversationId → const String
- keyCount → const String
- keyCreate → const String
- keyCreateIndexes → const String
- keyCreateIndexesArgument → const String
- keyCursor → const String
- keyCursors → const String
- keyCursorsAlive → const String
- keyCursorsKilled → const String
- keyCursorsNotFound → const String
- keyCursorsUnknown → const String
- keyDatabaseName → const String
- keyDb → const String
- keyDbHash → const String
- keyDbName → const String
- keyDbStats → const String
- keyDefaultRWConcern → const String
- keyDelete → const String
- keyDeleteArgument → const String
- keyDeletes → const String
- keyDistinct → const String
- keyDocumentKey → const String
- keyDocuments → const String
- keyDrop → const String
- keyDropDatabase → const String
- keyDropDuplicatedEntries → const String
- keyDropIndexes → const String
- keyElectionId → const String
- keyElectionMetrics → const String
- keyErrmsg → const String
- keyExpireAfterSeconds → const String
- keyExplain → const String
- keyExtraInfo → const String
- keyFeatureCompatibilityVersion → const String
- keyFieldHash → const String
- keyFields → const String
- keyFilter → const String
- keyFind → const String
- keyFindAndModify → const String
- keyFirstBatch → const String
- keyFlowControl → const String
- keyFormatVersion → const String
- keyFreeMonitoring → const String
- keyFsync → const String
- keyFull → const String
- keyFullDocument → const String
- keyGeoHighBound → const String
- keyGeoLowerBound → const String
- keyGetLastError → const String
- keyGetMore → const String
- keyGetParameter → const String
- keyGlobalLock → const String
- keyHash → const String
- keyHedgeOptions → const String
- keyHedgingMetrics → const String
- keyHello → const String
- keyHidden → const String
- keyHint → const String
- keyHost → const String
- keyHosts → const String
- keyId → const String
- keyIndex → const String
- keyIndexName → const String
- keyIndexOptionDefaults → const String
- keyInsert → const String
- keyInsertArgument → const String
- keyInsertedCount → const String
- keyInsertedId → const String
- keyIsWritablePrimary → const String
- keyJ → const String
- keyKey → const String
- keyKeyId → const String
- keyKeys → const String
- keyKillCursors → const String
- keyLastErrorObject → const String
- keyLastWrite → const String
- keyLatchAnalysis → const String
- keyLevel → const String
- keyLimit → const String
- keyListCollections → const String
- keyListIndexes → const String
- keyLocale → const String
- keyLocalTime → const String
- keyLocks → const String
- keyLog → const String
- keyLogicalSessionRecordCache → const String
- keyLogicalSessionTimeoutMinutes → const String
- keyLogLevel → const String
- keyMax → const String
- keyMaxAwaitTimeMS → const String
- keyMaxBsonObjectSize → const String
- keyMaximumLogFileSize → const String
- keyMaxMessageSizeBytes → const String
- keyMaxStalenessSecond → const String
- keyMaxTimeMS → const String
- keyMaxVariable → const String
- keyMaxWireVersion → const String
- keyMaxWriteBatchSize → const String
- keyMe → const String
- keyMechanism → const String
- keyMem → const String
- keyMetrics → const String
- keyMin → const String
- keyMinWireVersion → const String
- keyMirroredReads → const String
- keyMode → const String
- keyMsg → const String
- keyMulti → const String
- keyN → const String
- keyName → const String
- keyNameOnly → const String
- keyNetwork → const String
- keyNew → const String
- keyNextBatch → const String
- keyNModified → const String
- keyNoCursorTimeout → const String
- keyNormalization → const String
- keyNs → const String
- keyNumericOrdering → const String
- keyOk → const String
- keyOpcounters → const String
- keyOpcountersRepl → const String
- keyOperationInputIndex → const String
- keyOperationInternalIndex → const String
- keyOperationTime → const String
- keyOperationType → const String
- keyOpLatencies → const String
- keyOplogReplay → const String
- keyOplogTruncation → const String
- keyOpReadConcernCounters → const String
- keyOps → const String
- keyOptions → const String
- keyOpWriteConcernCounters → const String
- keyOrderby → const String
- keyOrdered → const String
- keyParameter → const String
- keyPartialFilterExpression → const String
- keyPartialResultsReturned → const String
- keyPassive → const String
- keyPassives → const String
- keyPayload → const String
- keyPersistent → const String
- keyPid → const String
- keyPipeline → const String
- keyPreference → const String
- keyPrimary → const String
- keyProcess → const String
- keyProjection → const String
- keyProvenance → const String
- keyQ → const String
- keyQuery → const String
- keyReadConcern → const String
- keyReadOnly → const String
- keyReadPreference → const String
- keyReadPreferenceTags → const String
- keyRemove → const String
- keyRepl → const String
- keyResult → const String
- keyResumeAfter → const String
- keyReturnKey → const String
- keySaslContinue → const String
- keySaslStart → const String
- keySaslSupportedMechs → const String
- keyScaleFactor → const String
- keySecondary → const String
- keySecurity → const String
- keyServerStatus → const String
- keySession → const String
- keySetName → const String
- keySetVersion → const String
- keyShardedIndexConsistency → const String
- keySharding → const String
- keyShardingStatistics → const String
- keyShowRecordId → const String
- keySingleBatch → const String
- keySize → const String
- keySkip → const String
- keySkipEmptyExchange → const String
- keySort → const String
- keySparseIndex → const String
- keyStartAfter → const String
- keyStartAtOperationTime → const String
- keysToOmit → const Set
- keyStorageEngine → const String
- keyStrength → const String
- keyTags → const String
- keyTailable → const String
- keyTopologyVersion → const String
- keyTotalSize → const String
- keyTransactions → const String
- keyTransportSecurity → const String
- keyU → const String
- keyUniqueIndex → const String
- keyUpdate → const String
- keyUpdateArgument → const String
- keyUpdatedExisting → const String
- keyUpdates → const String
- keyUpsert → const String
- keyUpserted → const String
- keyUptime → const String
- keyUptimeEstimate → const String
- keyUptimeMillis → const String
- keyUser → const String
- keyValidationAction → const String
- keyValidationLevel → const String
- keyValidator → const String
- keyValue → const String
- keyValues → const String
- keyVersion → const String
- keyViewOn → const String
- keyW → const String
- keyWatchdog → const String
- keyWiredTiger → const String
- keyWriteBacksQueued → const String
- keyWriteConcern → const String
- keyWriteConcernError → const String
- keyWriteError → const String
- keyWriteErrors → const String
- keyWtimeout → const String
- noObjects → const SerializationParameters
- noSecureRequestError → const String
- objectSerialization → const SerializationParameters
- type$binary → const String
- type$code → const String
- type$customData → const String
- type$customId → const String
- type$date → const String
- type$db → const String
- type$dbPointer → const String
- type$decimal128 → const String
- type$double → const String
- type$id → const String
- type$int32 → const String
- type$int64 → const String
- type$maxKey → const String
- type$mcustomId → const String
- type$minKey → const String
- type$objectId → const String
- type$ref → const String
- type$regex → const String
- type$symbol → const String
- type$timestamp → const String
- type$uuid → const String
- charMatcherRegExp → RegExp
- modify → ModifierBuilder
no setter
- where → SelectorBuilder
no setter
String mode) → ReadPreferenceMode -
ReadPreferenceMode mode) → String -
Object fieldOrSpec) → Map< String, Object> -
dynamic parent, Map< String, Object> options, {bool? inheritReadPreference = true}) → ReadPreference? -
Resolves a read preference based on well-defined inheritance rules. This method will not only
determine the read preference (if there is one), but will also ensure the returned value is a
properly constructed instance of
T> = T Function(Map< String, dynamic> ) -
= FutureOr<
Db> Function() - A function that produces an instance of Db, whether synchronously or asynchronously.
= void Function(Map<
String, dynamic> value)