ListMoneyTransactionX extension

This extension provides additional functionality for List<MoneyTransaction>.



addMoneyTransaction(MoneyTransaction moneyTransaction) → void
Adds the moneyTransaction to this list if the latter does not already contain it. Also, sorts it.
compareTo(List<MoneyTransaction> other) int
Returns the comparison to other list of MoneyTransaction.
fromList(List list) List<MoneyTransaction>
Fills this list starting from the List<dynamic> list.
normalize({required Currency currency, List<ExchangeRate>? exchangeRates}) List<MoneyTransaction>
Normalizes all values to the same currency. For this, exchangeRates list must contain all the exchange rates necessary for conversions. If even one of these is missing, throws a FormatException.
toListOfMaps() List<Map<String, dynamic>>
Creates a List<Map<String, dynamic>> representation of this list.
total({required Currency currency, List<ExchangeRate>? exchangeRates, DateTime? from, ExpenseOrIncome? expenseOrIncome, DateTime? until}) Money
Calculates and returns the sum of all transactions of this list. Also, allows to perform the sum of only expenses or only income. It is also possible to limit the sum to a time interval.
whoseMethodWas({Currency? currency, List<ExchangeRate>? exchangeRates, required MoneyTransactionMethod method, bool normalized = false}) List<MoneyTransaction>
Returns a filtered list of all the transactions in whose method was method. The result is already sorted.
withValueEqualTo({Currency? currency, List<ExchangeRate>? exchangeRates, bool normalized = false, required Money value}) List<MoneyTransaction>
Return a filtered list of all the transactions with a value = value.
withValueGreaterThan({Currency? currency, List<ExchangeRate>? exchangeRates, bool normalized = false, required Money value}) List<MoneyTransaction>
Return a filtered list of all the transactions with a value > value.
withValueGreaterThanOrEqualTo({Currency? currency, List<ExchangeRate>? exchangeRates, bool normalized = false, required Money value}) List<MoneyTransaction>
Return a filtered list of all the transactions with a value >= value.
withValueLessThan({Currency? currency, List<ExchangeRate>? exchangeRates, bool normalized = false, required Money value}) List<MoneyTransaction>
Return a filtered list of all the transactions with a value < value.
withValueLessThanOrEqualTo({Currency? currency, List<ExchangeRate>? exchangeRates, bool normalized = false, required Money value}) List<MoneyTransaction>
Return a filtered list of all the transactions with a value <= value.