
MoneyHash Flutter Support

The SDK allows you to build full payment experiences in your native Android and iOS apps using Flutter.


dart pub add moneyhash_payment



  • Compatible with apps targeting Android 5.0 (API level 21) and above

  • Use Kotlin version 1.8.10 and above:

  • Using an up-to-date Android Gradle Plugin

  • AndroidX (as of v11.0.0)

  • Enable viewBinding in your project.

 buildFeatures {
   viewBinding true
  • Change the MainActivity to extend FlutterFragmentActivity instead of FlutterActivity in android/app/src/main/kotlin/.../MainActivity.kt:

class MainActivity:  FlutterFragmentActivity()


Compatible with apps targeting iOS 11 or above.

How to use?

  • Create moneyHash instance using MoneyHashSDKBuilder
import 'package:moneyhash_payment/moneyhash_payment.dart';
MoneyHashSDK moneyhashSDK =;

MoneyHash SDK guides to for the actions required to be done, to have seamless integration through intent details state

state Action
METHOD_SELECTION Use moneyHash.getIntentMethod to get different intent methods and render them natively with your own styles & use moneyHash.proceedWithMethod to proceed with one of them on user selection
INTENT_FORM Use moneyHash.renderForm to start the SDK flow to let MoneyHash handle the flow for you & listen for result by using IntentContract() for Activity result
INTENT_PROCESSED Render your successful confirmation UI with the intent details
TRANSACTION_FAILED Render your failure UI with the intent details
TRANSACTION_WAITING_USER_ACTION Render your pending actions confirmation UI with the intent details & externalActionMessage if exists on Transaction
EXPIRED Render your intent expired UI
CLOSED Render your intent closed UI
  • Get intent details based on the intent id and type (Payment/Payout)
      var result = await moneyhashSDK.getIntentDetails(intentId, IntentType.payment);
    } catch (e) {
    // Handle the errors
  • Get intent available payment/payout methods, saved cards and customer balances
      var result = await moneyhashSDK.getIntentMethods(intentId, IntentType.payment);
    } catch (e) {
    // Handle the errors
  • Proceed with a payment/payout method, card or wallet
    try {
    var result = await moneyhashSDK.proceedWithMethod(
              MethodType.customerBalance, // method type that returned from the intent methods
              MethodMetaData(// optional and can be null
                  cvv: "123", // required for customer saved cards that requires cvv
      } catch (e) {
        // handle the error
  • Reset the selected method on and intent to null

Can be used for back button after method selection or retry button on failed transaction UI to try a different method by the user.

    try {
          var result = await moneyhashSDK.resetSelectedMethod(intentId, IntentType.payment);
      } catch (e) {
          // handle the error
  • Delete a customer saved card
    try {
          await moneyhashSDK.deleteSavedCard(cardTokenId, intentSecret); // No result expected from this method success or failure
      } catch (e) {
          // handle the error
  • Render SDK embed forms and payment/payout integrations

Must be called if state of an intent is INTENT_FORM to let MoneyHash handle the payment/payout. you can also use it directly to render the embed form for payment/payout without handling the methods selection native UI.

Add PaymentActivity / PayoutActivity to AndroidManifest.xml

    <activity android:name=""
    <activity android:name=""
  • Start the SDK flow to let MoneyHash handle the payment/payout

Refer to our Guide to know more about the embed form customization.

    try {
      var result = await moneyhashSDK.renderForm(
                  embedStyle, // optional EmbedStyle object to customize the embed form UI (colors, fonts, etc) for the buttons, inputs, loader
    } catch (e) {
      // handle the error


class CustomerBalance {
  final double? balance;
  final String? id;
  final String? icon;
  final bool? isSelected;
  final MethodType? type;

class PaymentMethod {
  final String? id;
  final String? title;
  final bool? isSelected;
  final bool? confirmationRequired;
  final List<String>? icons;
  final MethodType? type;

class PayoutMethod {
  final String? id;
  final String? title;
  final bool? isSelected;
  final bool? confirmationRequired;
  final List<String>? icons;
  final MethodType? type;

class ExpressMethod {
  final String? id;
  final String? title;
  final bool? isSelected;
  final bool? confirmationRequired;
  final List<String>? icons;
  final MethodType? type;

class SavedCard {
  final String? id;
  final String? brand;
  final String? last4;
  final String? expiryMonth;
  final String? expiryYear;
  final String? country;
  final String? logo;
  final bool? requireCvv;
  final CvvConfig? cvvConfig;
  final MethodType? type;

class CvvConfig {
  final int? digitsCount;

class IntentMethods {
  final List<CustomerBalance>? customerBalances;
  final List<PaymentMethod>? paymentMethods;
  final List<ExpressMethod>? expressMethods;
  final List<SavedCard>? savedCards;
  final List<PayoutMethod>? payoutMethods;

enum MethodType {

class IntentDetails {
  final String? selectedMethod;
  final IntentData? intent;
  final double? walletBalance;
  final TransactionData? transaction;
  final RedirectData? redirect;
  final IntentState? state;

class TransactionData {
  final String? billingData;
  final double? amount;
  final List<String>? externalActionMessage;
  final String? amountCurrency;
  final String? id;
  final String? methodName;
  final String? method;
  final String? createdDate;
  final String? status;
  final String? customFields;
  final String? providerTransactionFields;
  final String? customFormAnswers;

class IntentData {
  final AmountData? amount;
  final String? secret;
  final String? expirationDate;
  final bool? isLive;
  final String? id;
  final IntentStatus? status;

class AmountData {
  final String? value;
  final double? formatted;
  final String? currency;
  final double? maxPayout;

class RedirectData {
  final String? redirectUrl;

class IntentResult {
  final IntentMethods? methods;
  final IntentDetails? details;

enum IntentType {

class MethodMetaData {
  final String? cvv;

enum IntentStatus {

enum IntentState {

Questions and Issues

Please provide any feedback via a GitHub Issue.