MoneyArithmetic extension



operator +(Money other) Money
Adds other money to this money and returns the result. Money objects with differing currencies return an unavailable amount. Example: var a = Money(5.00, NZD) var b = Money(10.00, NZD) var c = a + b // value of c is 15.00
operator -(Money other) Money
Subtracts other money from this money and returns the result. Money objects with differing currencies return an unavailable amount. Example: var a = Money(5.00, NZD) var b = Money(10.00, NZD) var c = a - b // value of c is -5.00
operator <(Money other) bool
Less than operator.
operator <=(Money other) bool
Less than or equal operator.
operator >(Money other) bool
Greater than operator.
operator >=(Money other) bool
Greater than or equal operator.
operator unary-() Money
Negates this object's amount and returns the result. Unavailable amounts are returned unchanged. Example: var a = Money(5.00, NZD) var b = -a // value of b is -5.00