money2 library
Money2 stores, parses, formats and allows precision mathematical operations on monetary amounts and their associated currency.
The Currency class allows you to define the key attributes of a currency such as Symbol, isoCode, precision and a default format.
The Money class stores the underlying values using a BigInt. The value is stored using the currencies 'minor' units (e.g. cents).
This allows for precise calculations as required when handling money.
The ExchangePlatform allows you to set up a table of exchange rates for converting between currencies.
Key features of Money2:
- simple and expressive formating.
- simple parsing of monetary amounts.
- multi-currency support.
- intuitive maths operations.
- fixed precision storage to ensure precise calcuation.
- detailed documentation and extensive examples to get you up and running.
- pure dart implementation.
- Open Source MIT license.
- Using Money2 will make you taller.
The package use the following terms:
- Minor Units - the smallest unit of a currency e.g. cents.
- Major Units - the integer component of a currency - e.g. dollars
- isoCode - the currency isoCode. e.g. USD
- symbol - the currency symbol. e.g. '$'. It should be noted that not every currency has a symbol.
- pattern - a pattern used to control the display format.
- precision - the number of decimal places assumed when a minor unit value (e.g. cents) is passed.
- decimal separator - the character that separates the fraction part from the integer of a number e.g. '10.99'. This defaults to '.' but can be changed to ','
- group separator - the character that is used to format groups (e.g. 100,000). This can be changed to '.'
Using the Money and Currency classes is easy.
import 'money2.dart';
Currency aud = Currency.create('AUD', 2, pattern:r'$0.00');
Money costPrice = Money.fromInt(1000, aud);
> $10.00
Money spareChange = Money.parse('$10.50', aud);
Money lunchMoney = aud.parse('$11.50');
Money taxInclusive = costPrice * 1.1;
> $11.00
> $AUD11.00
> $AUD11
- CommonCurrencies
- Provides a list of the most common currencies.
- Currencies
- A factory for registering, parsing and finding Currency instances.
- Currency
- Allows you to create a Currency which is then used to construct Money instances.
- ExchangePlatform
- The ExchangePlatform allows you to register a set of ExchangeRate which you can then use to do currency conversions.
- ExchangeRate
- When defining an exchange rate we need to specify the conditions under which the exchange is calculated.
- Fixed
- Represents a fixed scale decimal no.
- Money
- Allows you to store, print and perform mathematically operations on money whilst maintaining precision.
- MoneyData
DTO for exchange of data between an instance of Money and
. -
T> - Bases class for implementing a decoder for money.
T> - Bases class for implementing a encoder for money.
- Percentage
- Helper class to allow us to do percentage calculations on Money amounts. Percentage is described as a decimal Fixed so 20% is expressed as 20.0
Exceptions / Errors
- AmountTooLargeException
- Thrown if a number larger than the supported ranges is passed in. This will only occur if you call Fixed.fromNum with scale > 20 or a absolute value of > 10^21 If you need larger numbers then use one of the alternate constructors.
- FixedException
- Base exception of all exceptions thrown from the Fixed package.
- FixedParseException
- Exception thrown when a parse fails.
- IllegalFixedPatternException
- Thrown when you pass an invalid pattern to Fixed.format.
- IllegalPatternException
- Thrown when you pass an invalid pattern to Money.format.
- MismatchedCurrencyException
- Thrown if an exchange is attempted with a Money has a Currency which doesn't match the exchange rate.
- MoneyException
- Base class of all exceptions thrown from Money2.
- MoneyParseException
- Exception thrown when a parse fails.
- UnknownCurrencyException
- Thrown if the currency is not registered.
- UnknownExchangeRateException
- Thrown if an attempt is made to calcuate the value of a Money amount in another currency for which there isn't a registered exchange rate.