generated/leaderboard.pb library
- DeleteLeaderboardRequest_
- Element_
- Leaderboards are made up of many of these.
- GetByRankRequest_
- GetByRankResponse_
- GetByScoreRequest_
- GetByScoreResponse_
- GetLeaderboardLengthRequest_
- GetLeaderboardLengthResponse_
- GetRankRequest_
- GetRankResponse_
- Order_
- RankedElement_
- Query APIs returning RankedElement offer the familiar Element id and score tuple, but they also include the rank per the individual API's ranking semantic.
- RankRange_
- Query APIs using RankRange expect a limit of 8192 elements. Requesting a range wider than that is expected to return an error.
- RemoveElementsRequest_
- ScoreRange_
- Query APIs using ScoreRange may match more than the limit of 8192 elements. These apis will include an offset and limit parameter pair, which can be used to page through score ranges matching many elements.
- UpsertElementsRequest_