MoEngage Inbox Plugin

Inbox Plugin for MoEngage Platform

SDK Installation

To add the MoEngage Flutter SDK to your application, edit your application's pubspec.yaml file and add the below dependency to it:


 moengage_inbox: $latestSdkVersion

replace $latestSdkVersion with the latest SDK version.

Run flutter packages get to install the SDK.

Note: This plugin is dependent on moengage_flutter plugin. Make sure you have installed the moengage_flutter make sure you have installed the moengage_flutter plugin as well. Refer to the

Android Installation


Once you install the Flutter Plugin add MoEngage's native Android SDK dependency to the Android project of your application. Navigate to android --> app --> build.gradle. Add the MoEngage Android SDK's dependency in the dependencies block

dependencies {
  implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

where $sdkVersion should be replaced by the latest version of the MoEngage SDK.

Refer to the Documentation for complete integration guide.

