MoEngage Flutter Plugin

Flutter Plugin for MoEngage Platform

SDK Installation

To add the MoEngage Flutter SDK to your application, edit your application's pubspec.yaml file and add the below dependency to it:


 moengage_flutter: $latestSdkVersion

replace $latestSdkVersion with the latest SDK version.

Run flutter packages get to install the SDK.

Android Installation


Once you install the Flutter Plugin add MoEngage's native Android SDK dependency to the Android project of your application. Navigate to android --> app --> build.gradle. Add the MoEngage Android SDK's dependency in the dependencies block

dependencies {
  implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
  implementation "com.moengage:moe-android-sdk:$sdkVersion"

where $sdkVersion should be replaced by the latest version of the MoEngage SDK.

SDK Initialization

Android SDK Initialization

Get APP ID from the Settings Page on the MoEngage dashboard and initialize the MoEngage SDK in the Application class's onCreate()

// this is the instance of the application class and "XXXXXXXXXXX" is the APP ID from the dashboard.
val moEngage = MoEngage.Builder(this, "XXXXXXXXXXX")
MoEInitializer.initialize(appicationContext, builder)

Refer to the API reference doc for a detailed list of possible configurations.

All the configuration should be added to the builder before calling initialize. If you are calling initialize at multiple places please ensure that all the required flags and configuration are set each time you initialize to maintain consistency in behavior.

iOS SDK Initialization

Make sure to run flutter build command to make sure all the CocoaPods dependencies are added to your project. (i.e, MoEngage-iOS-SDK and moengage_flutter)

To initialize the iOS Application with the MoEngage App ID from Settings in Dashboard. In your project, go to AppDelegate file and call the initialize method of MOFlutterInitializer instance in applicationdidFinishLaunchingWithOptions() method as shown below:

 var sdkConfig : MOSDKConfig
 let yourAppID = "Your App ID" //App ID: You can be obtain it from App Settings in MoEngage Dashboard.
 if let config = MoEngage.sharedInstance().getDefaultSDKConfiguration() {
    sdkConfig = config
    sdkConfig.moeAppID = yourAppID
    sdkConfig = MOSDKConfig.init(appID: yourAppID)
 sdkConfig.appGroupID = "Your App Group ID"
 sdkConfig.moeDataCenter = <DATA CENTER Value> // use MODataCenter enum to set the datacenter for your account
 MOFlutterInitializer.sharedInstance.initializeWithSDKConfig(sdkConfig, andLaunchOptions: launchOptions)

Refer to the Documentation for complete integration guide.

