load method

void load(
  1. String videoId, {
  2. Duration startAt = Duration.zero,
  3. Duration? endAt,

This function loads and plays the specified video.

videoId specifies the YouTube Video ID of the video to be played. In the YouTube Data API, a video resource's id property specifies the ID.

startAt & endAt parameter accepts a Duration. If specified, then the video will (start from the closest keyframe to the specified time / end at the specified time).


void load(String videoId,
    {Duration startAt = Duration.zero, Duration? endAt}) {
  var loadParams = 'videoId:"$videoId",startSeconds:${startAt.inSeconds}';
  if (endAt != null && endAt > startAt) {
    loadParams += ',endSeconds:${endAt.inSeconds}';
  if (_value.hasError) {
  } else {