minHotspotOpacity property

num? minHotspotOpacity

This read-only attribute enables DOM content to be styled based on the status of the WebXR AR presentation. For instance, a prompt for the user to move their phone until the object is successfully placed in their space can be shown by scoping a CSS rule to model-viewerar-status="session-started". Setting this attribute has no effect.

<model-viewer> official document: https://modelviewer.dev/docs/#entrydocs-augmentedreality-css-arStatus This read-only attribute enables DOM content to be styled based on the state of the WebXR AR tracking. For instance, a failure message can be shown by scoping a CSS rule to model-viewerar-tracking="not-tracking". Setting this attribute has no effect. Most AR tracking failures are due to the camera being covered or seeing little discernable texture

<model-viewer> official document: https://modelviewer.dev/docs/#entrydocs-augmentedreality-css-arTracking Sets the opacity of hidden hotspots.

<model-viewer> official document: https://modelviewer.dev/docs/#entrydocs-annotations-css-minHotspotOpacity


// final ArStatus? arStatus;

/// This read-only attribute enables DOM content to be styled based on the
/// state of the WebXR AR tracking. For instance, a failure message can be
/// shown by scoping a CSS rule to model-viewer[ar-tracking="not-tracking"].
/// Setting this attribute has no effect. Most AR tracking failures are due
/// to the camera being covered or seeing little discernable texture
/// `<model-viewer>` official document: https://modelviewer.dev/docs/#entrydocs-augmentedreality-css-arTracking
// final ArTracking? arTracking;

// Annotations CSS

/// Sets the opacity of hidden hotspots.
/// `<model-viewer>` official document: https://modelviewer.dev/docs/#entrydocs-annotations-css-minHotspotOpacity
final num? minHotspotOpacity;