ReorderableMapEditor<K, V, KC extends ValueNotifier<K?>, VC extends ValueNotifier<V?>> typedef

ReorderableMapEditor<K, V, KC extends ValueNotifier<K?>, VC extends ValueNotifier<V?>> = ReorderableCollectionEditor<Map<K, V?>, MapEntryController<K, V, KC, VC>, MapEditingController<K, V, KC, VC>>

A widget to edit a map of K and V.

KC is the type of the controller for each key. VC is the type of the controller for each value.


typedef ReorderableMapEditor<
        KC extends ValueNotifier<K?>,
        VC extends ValueNotifier<V?>
    = ReorderableCollectionEditor<
        Map<K, V?>,
        MapEntryController<K, V, KC, VC>,
        MapEditingController<K, V, KC, VC>