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ModelBinding is a Widget data binding framework implemented using MapModel, and its biggest advantage is that modifying data can automatically refresh corresponding Widgets.

Unlike traditional mvvm frameworks, it does not require the establishment and maintenance of additional bundling relationships. Its core idea is "get and bundle" - which is more in line with data usage habits.

MapModel is currently the most efficient model implementation framework, it uses Map to implement a model.

Map instances only need to determine the method of obtaining fields and control their visibility to obtain different models, such as Entity, VO, DTO, etc., instead of constantly opening up new memory space to move data, reducing unnecessary losses.


flutter pub add model_binding
flutter pub add build_runner --dev
flutter pub add model_binding_builder --dev


  model_binding: any

  build_runner: any
  model_binding_builder: any



include: package:model_binding/lints.yaml



provided @Model @ModelBinding annotation

@Model can use for Map as Model, like Entity, Vo, Dto. see MapModel

@Binding can use for Map to Binding flutter Widget, Implementing bidirectional binding.

That is to say, the interface for modifying values will be partially refreshed, the display of values at the reference point, and the control input will also change the new value and be notified.

import 'package:model_binding/model_binding.dart';

part 'your_model.g.dart';

  Property<String?>('nullableString', value: '"123"'),
  Property('withValueConvert', value: '12'),
  Property<Map<String?, dynamic>?>('mapWithType'),
class YourModel extends _YourModelImpl {

  Property<String?>('nullableString', value: '"123"'),
  Property('withValueConvert', value: '12'),
  Property<Map<String?, dynamic>?>('mapWithType'),
], converts: {
  Map<String?, dynamic>: 'castMap',
class SuperBinding extends _SuperBindingImpl {

  Property<String>('subProperty', value: '"default subProperty"'),
class SubBinding extends SuperBinding with _SubBindingMixin {

Map<String?, dynamic> castMap(String property, dynamic value) {
  if (property == 'mapWithType') {
    // hit Field
  return value;

  • @Model.converts define the convert of Type, see Default Support Type: List
  • use extends class: _${yourClassName}Impl, Because of single inheritance, Mixin can be considered.
  • use mixin: _${yourClassName}Mixin; Must inherit ModelBinding and its subclasses.

Model transformation

var mapBinding = MapBinding();
mapBinding['a'] = 12;
mapBinding['b'] = '34';
mapBinding['c'] = [56, '78'];

mapBinding['d'] = ListBinding<int>([90, 01]); // use generic
mapBinding['e'] = MapBinding<String>({
// use generic
'f': '23',
'g': '45',

// export offline data
var export =
mapBinding.export(includes: {'a', 'b', 'd', 'e'}, excludes: {'b'});
var str = const JsonEncoder().convert(export);
// console see {"a":12,"d":[90,1],"e":{"f":"23","g":"45"}}

// default convert type
mapBinding['listWithType'] =
'a b c'; // auto convert, List<String> default sep is ' '
mapBinding['dateTime'] =
'2023-05-19'; // auto convert, DateTime accept String & int
// model replace data
var superModel =
SuperBinding(mapBinding); // bring default value: "withValueConvert":12
superModel.nullableString = 'first value';
// optional - add notify or convert
superModel.textField("nullableString", convert: (string) => string + '1');
// console see {"nullableString":"first value","fixInt":null,"withValueConvert":12,"listWithType":["a","b","c"],"listNoType":null,"mapWithType":null,"mapNoType":null,"dateTime":"2023-05-19T00:00:00.000"}
// new data maybe from http response or else
"nullableString": "second value is call by dataRebind()"
}, isClear: true); // isClear=true all notifiers and converts

    .$default(); // optional - bring default value: "withValueConvert":12

// console see {"nullableString":"second value is call by dataRebind()","fixInt":null,"withValueConvert":12,"listWithType":null,"listNoType":null,"mapWithType":null,"mapNoType":null,"dateTime":null}

var otherModel = SubBinding();
otherModel); // Transform different types of models by binding common data MapModels.
// console see the same as SuperModel.nullableString "second value"
superModel.nullableString =
'third value is changed from superModel'; // change one of bindings other also changed.
// console see 'third value is changed from superModel'

  • $types Show all field Types.
  • $export(): Only export defined data items. And out of sync.
  • $rebind(): Rebind data for easy block replacement of data items. like Data returned by HTTP.
  • $bindTo(): Used to bind another model to synchronize its data. Commonly used for different types of model transformations.
  • You have two opportunities to bind data, one is the parameters passed in during instance construction, and the other is to call dataRebind() or BindTo().

The framework ensures external visibility of various models that share data, avoiding direct manipulation of physical data. But in inheritance classes, physical data can be directly manipulated.

Generally speaking, we allow whole block data substitution and prohibit access to non declared data items. The whole block replacement can be compared to the traditional new model class, which prohibits access to undeclared fields. The analogy is that there are no defined fields in the model.

Cross level call

class SyncWidgetBinding extends StatefulWidget {
  const SyncWidgetBinding({super.key});

  State<StatefulWidget> createState() => SyncWidgetBindingState();

class SyncWidgetBindingState
    extends BindingState<SyncWidgetBinding, SuperBinding> {
  /// BindingState Can be found by subWidget
  SuperBinding binding = SuperBinding();

  void initState() {

    /// binding super widget
      fields: ['nullableString'],
      callback: () {
        setState(() {});
      notifierType: NotifierType.textField,

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Align(
        alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
        child: Column(
          children: [
            const Text(
              'Cross level call',
              style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, fontSize: 16),
            const SizedBox(height: 20),
            const Text('sync in SupperWidget:'),
              width: 150,
              child: TextFieldBinding(
                binding: binding,
                property: 'nullableString',
                //context: context, // base on from
            const Divider(),
            const SubWidget(),

class SubWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  const SubWidget({super.key});

  State<StatefulWidget> createState() => SubWidgetState();

class SubWidgetState extends State<SubWidget> {
  SubBinding subBinding = SubBinding();

  void initState() {

    /// binding sub widget
    ModelBinding.of<SyncWidgetBindingState, SuperBinding>(context)?.$bindSync(
      context: context,
      fields: ['nullableString'],
      notifierType: NotifierType.textField,

      /// support TextField

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
      children: [
        const Text('sync in SubWidget:'),
          width: 100,
          child: TextFieldBinding(
            binding: subBinding,
            property: 'nullableString',
            //context: context, // base on from
  • $bindTo() only synchronize data.
  • $sync() can synchronize change data events.
  • $sync(context) Will refresh the context widget.
  • $sync(callback) Custom data changed Events, need call setState().
  • $sync(fields) List the synchronized fields.
  • $sync(notifierType) NotifierType.textField support TextField Widget.

use ModelBinding

example provide 3 widget binding methods:

  • Raw Widget: use flutter raw widget add parameter
/// controller and onChanged must be provided
  controller: dataBinding.textField('nullableString'),// must be
  onChanged: (value) {// must be
      dataBinding.nullableString = value;
      setState(() {});
  • Minimum Binding: use Binding class, only refresh controller
/// use default context, that Binding class self context
  binding: dataBinding,
  property: 'nullableString',
  • Custom Binding: use Binding class, specify context
/// use special context control refresh range
  binding: dataBinding,
  property: 'nullableString',
  context: context,

context in Binding class, can be partially refreshed.

use WidgetBinding

Widget build(BuildContext context) => Scaffold(
  appBar: AppBar(
    automaticallyImplyLeading: true,
    title: const Text('Widget src.binding'),
  body: Center(
    child: Column(
      children: [
          builder: (context) => Column(
            children: [
                  title: const Text('self: only control rebuild'),
                  value: RefreshMode.self,
                  groupValue: mode,
                  onChanged: (value) {
                    mode = value!;
                    setState(() {});
                  title: const Text('partially: find RefreshableBuilder to rebuild'),
                  value: RefreshMode.partially,
                  groupValue: mode,
                  onChanged: (value) {
                    mode = value!;
                    setState(() {});
              const Text(
                'Both self and partially based on context arguments',
                style: TextStyle(),
              const Divider(),
                margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
                    horizontal: 20, vertical: 10),
                child: TextFieldBinding(
                  binding: binding,
                  property: 'nullableString',
                  mode: mode,
                  //context: context, // base on from
              Text('partially refresh point:${binding.nullableString ?? ''}'),
            onPressed: () {
              setState(() {});
            child: const Text('refresh outside')),
        Text('outside refresh point:${ModelBinding.of<WidgetBindingState, SuperBinding>(context)?.nullableString ?? ''}'),
  • RefreshableBuilder is similar to InheritedWidget, mainly used to mark a local refresh point.
  • TextFieldBinding.mode RefreshMode.self only refresh control self; RefreshMode.partially base on context find RefreshableBuilder.
  • TextFieldBinding.context If the refresh range is too small, a higher-level context can be provided


  • addListener be called when value has Changed. need dispose() release. but not recommended.
  • RefreshableBuilder.of(context) can get RefreshableBuilder instance.
  • RefreshableBuilder.rebuild(context) can local refresh ui.
  • BindingSupport use can mixin it to quick build binding. mixin
  • BindingState can Refreshable and build binding. class
  • BindingSupport.of(context) can get State with BindingSupport instance.
  • ModelBinding.of(context) can get binding model instance. equivalent to BindingSupport.of(context).bind

ModelBinding.of(context) used for cross level calls to widget trees


flutter pub run build_runner build


dart run build_runner build

ModelBinding vs Provider vs Get_it

The Provider framework provides excellent Consumer utility classes, but unfortunately, data binding requires the creation of a large number of Provider subclasses, such as ChangeNotifierProvider, ListenableProvider, ValueListenableProvider, StreamProvider, and so on. This mechanism is called state management, and although there are similar concepts in Vue and React, it is completely unnecessary for Flutter to establish such a mechanism because Flutter has a very complete context.

I think the main reason for the design of the Provider framework is the lack of a data binding layer, so you will find that when using the Provider, the page is quickly written, but you need to write about how to synchronize data fields outside of the page.

ModelBinding believes that when writing a widget tree, the structure of the page, the range of local refreshes, and the data they are bound to should be clearly known. This is like a declarative approach that exhausts the results, rather than implying an addListener (although ModelBinding also provides a way to add listeners, it is not recommended); Declarative programming also conforms to most people's writing habits; In addition, ModelBinding believes that establishing synchronization between multiple data items is not as good as having the same data referenced in multiple places. This is thanks to the use of the MapModel framework by ModelBinding, which is characterized by the Map being used as a model. Transforming a model only means that the visibility of the same Map is different, and the essence is still the same instance.

In addition, the ModelBinding binding layer also provides a more user-friendly toolbox, such as TextFieldBinding, which can be used as control input and output to bind data items in both directions.

Compared to the GetIT framework, firstly, GetIT is a wrapper class for data. When using it, the original data needs to be wrapped in GetIT, which is similar to the ref of vue3, but cannot be used as a recursive proxy like vue3, which will keep developers wrapping subitems. It can also package some widgets, but it is also the result of developers increasing their workload to continuously package and unpack them.

ModelBinding believes that it is not a very wise choice to hand over the details and workload to developers. Maybe it can be implemented in the underlying details, but it is unnecessary to expose it. This is not elegant, and it does not conform to the writing habits of most people. This is like 1+1. As far as possible, it should not be a.add (b). It should consider the operator overloading of the plus sign, and maintain the writing method of 1+1;

In fact, many details of the underlying ModelBinding also refer to the GetIT implementation, but the API we provide is more user-friendly. In addition, GetIT also needs to establish additional binding relationships like the provider. In the same sentence, no matter how much data is synchronized, it is never better to have the same data;