mockIPv6 function

String mockIPv6([
  1. String format = '*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*'

Generate random IPv6 address.

format argument accepts integers in range from 0 to 65536, separated by colons(:), which represent a group or hextet in IPv6. Group can also be represented with *, which generates any hexadecimal number of 16 bits for a particular group.

Returns IP as String.

Example usage:

  mockIPv6() == mockIPv6('*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*')


String mockIPv6([String format = '*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*']) {
  var ip = format.split(':');

  if (ip.length != 8) {
    throw ArgumentError('Invalid IPv6 format - Must contain 8 groups');

  var _ip = ip
      .map((s) {
        if (s == '*') {
          return '${random.nextInt(65535 + 1).toRadixString(16).padLeft(4, '0')}:';

        var parsedGroup = int.tryParse(s, radix: 16);

        if (parsedGroup != null && parsedGroup >= 0 && parsedGroup <= 65536) {
          return '${s.padLeft(4, '0')}:';
        } else {
          throw ArgumentError('Integers must be in range of 0 and 65536');

  return _ip.substring(0, _ip.length - 1);