getSwatch static method
static Map<int, Color> getSwatch(Color color) {
final hslColor = HSLColor.fromColor(color);
final lightness = hslColor.lightness;
/// if [500] is the default color, there are at LEAST five
/// steps below [500]. (i.e. 400, 300, 200, 100, 50.) A
/// divisor of 5 would mean [50] is a lightness of 1.0 or
/// a color of #ffffff. A value of six would be near white
/// but not quite.
const lowDivisor = 6;
/// if [500] is the default color, there are at LEAST four
/// steps above [500]. A divisor of 4 would mean [900] is
/// a lightness of 0.0 or color of #000000
const highDivisor = 5;
final lowStep = (1.0 - lightness) / lowDivisor;
final highStep = lightness / highDivisor;
return {
50: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness + (lowStep * 5))).toColor(),
100: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness + (lowStep * 4))).toColor(),
200: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness + (lowStep * 3))).toColor(),
300: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness + (lowStep * 2))).toColor(),
400: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness + lowStep)).toColor(),
500: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness)).toColor(),
600: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness - highStep)).toColor(),
700: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness - (highStep * 2))).toColor(),
800: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness - (highStep * 3))).toColor(),
900: (hslColor.withLightness(lightness - (highStep * 4))).toColor(),