Raven Bank Mobile POS (BankBox) Flutter Plugin

A Flutter Plugin that enables you connect to Raven Bank’s Bank Box



First you need to obtain your app credentials from Raven Bank

Android Setup

Set minSdkVersion target

This library targets android devices >= SDK 21. Make sure you're targeting at-least the same by modifying your android/app/build.gradle file

minSdkVersion = 21

IOS Setup

Update Info.plist to add necessary permissions

  <string>allow app use bluetooth</string> 
  <string>allow app use bluetooth</string> 
  <string>Can I use the camera please?</string>


  • Debugging IOS would now require physical devices after depending on this plugin as build may fail on simulator.



import 'package:mobile_pos/mobile_pos_sdk.dart';

Launch SDK

  await RavenBankBoxPlugin.launch(
                    config: BankBoxConfig(
                      logo: Container(
                        height: 32,
                        width: 32,
                        decoration: const BoxDecoration(
                            shape: BoxShape.circle, color: Color(0xffEA872D)),
                        child: Padding(
                          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(12),
                          child: Image.asset('assets/logo.png'),
                      onClose: () {
                        //user taps close button
                      showTerminals: true,
                      enableBalanceCheck: false,
                      enableSuccessSound: true,
                      showLabel: true,
                      theme: const MobilePOSTheme(
                          darkModeFG: Color(0xff141414),
                          lightModeFG: Colors.white,
                          bankBoxThemeMode: BankBoxThemeMode.dark,
                          headerTextColor: Color(0xFF755AE2),
                          primaryColor: Color(0xFF755AE2),
                          onPrimary: Colors.white,
                          secondaryColor: Color(0xFFEA872D)),
                      environment: BankBoxEnvironment.production,
                      appInfo: AppInfo(
                          category: Category.partner,
                          appName: '<YOUR APP NAME>',
                          appId: '<YOUR APP ID>',
                          appEmail: 'YOUR APP EMAIL'),
                      customerInfo: CustomerInfo(
                        lastName: '<USER LAST NAME>',
                        firstName: '<USER FIRST NAME>',
                        bvn: '<USER BVN>',
                        email: '<USER EMAIL>',
                        phone: '<USER PHONE>',
                      onSuccess: (data) {
                        //TODO: handle success cases
                      onError: (error) {
                        //TODO: handle error cases