fromJSON static method

PublicationCollection? fromJSON(
  1. dynamic json, {
  2. LinkHrefNormalizer normalizeHref = linkHrefNormalizerIdentity,

Parses a PublicationCollection from its RWPM JSON representation.

If the collection can't be parsed, a warning will be logged with warnings. The links' href and their children's will be normalized recursively using the provided normalizeHref closure.


static PublicationCollection? fromJSON(dynamic json,
    {LinkHrefNormalizer normalizeHref = linkHrefNormalizerIdentity}) {
  if (json == null) {
    return null;
  List<Link> links;
  Map<String, dynamic>? metadata;
  Map<String, List<PublicationCollection>>? subcollections;

  // Parses a sub-collection object.
  if (json is Map<String, dynamic>) {
    links = Link.fromJSONArray(json.remove("links") as List<dynamic>?,
        normalizeHref: normalizeHref);
    metadata = (json.remove("metadata") as Map<String, dynamic>?);
    subcollections = collectionsFromJSON(json, normalizeHref: normalizeHref);
  // Parses an array of links.
  else if (json is List) {
    links = Link.fromJSONArray(json, normalizeHref: normalizeHref);
  } else {
    Fimber.i("core collection not valid");
    return null;

  if (links.isEmpty) {
    Fimber.i("core collection's [links] must not be empty");
    return null;

  return PublicationCollection(
      metadata: metadata ?? {},
      links: links,
      subcollections: subcollections ?? {});