errorDescription static method

String errorDescription(
  1. LcpErrorCase lcpErrorCase


static String errorDescription(LcpErrorCase lcpErrorCase) {
  switch (lcpErrorCase) {
    case LcpErrorCase.invalidPath:
      return "The provided license file path is incorrect.";
    case LcpErrorCase.invalidLcpl:
      return "The provided license isn't a correctly formatted LCPL file. ";
    case LcpErrorCase.licenseNotFound:
      return "No license found in base for the given identifier.";
    case LcpErrorCase.statusLinkNotFound:
      return "The status link is missing from the license document.";
    case LcpErrorCase.licenseLinkNotFound:
      return "The license link is missing from the status document.";
    case LcpErrorCase.publicationLinkNotFound:
      return "The publication link is missing from the license document.";
    case LcpErrorCase.hintLinkNotFound:
      return "The hint link is missing from the license document.";
    case LcpErrorCase.registerLinkNotFound:
      return "The register link is missing from the status document.";
    case LcpErrorCase.linkNotFound:
      return "The  link is missing from the status document.";
    case LcpErrorCase.renewLinkNotFound:
      return "The renew link is missing from the status document.";
    case LcpErrorCase.noStatusDocument:
      return "Updating the license failed, there is no status document.";
    case LcpErrorCase.licenseDocumentData:
      return "Updating license failed, the fetche data is invalid.";
    case LcpErrorCase.publicationData:
      return "The publication data is invalid.";
    case LcpErrorCase.missingLicenseStatus:
      return "The license status couldn't be defined.";
    case LcpErrorCase.licenseStatusReturned:
      return "This license has been returned.";
    case LcpErrorCase.licenseStatusRevoked:
      return "This license has been revoked by its PROVIDER.";
    case LcpErrorCase.licenseStatusCancelled:
      return "You have cancelled this license.";
    case LcpErrorCase.licenseStatusExpired:
      return "The license status is expired, if your PROVIDER allow it, you may be able to renew it.";
    case LcpErrorCase.invalidRights:
      return "The rights of this license aren't valid.";
    case LcpErrorCase.registrationFailure:
      return "The device could not be registered properly.";
    case LcpErrorCase.failure:
      return "Your publication could not be ed properly.";
    case LcpErrorCase.alreadyed:
      return "Your publication has already been ed before.";
    case LcpErrorCase.alreadyExpired:
      return "Your publication has already expired.";
    case LcpErrorCase.renewFailure:
      return "Your publication could not be renewed properly.";
    case LcpErrorCase.deviceId:
      return "Couldn't retrieve/generate a proper deviceId.";
    case LcpErrorCase.unexpectedServerError:
      return "An unexpected error has occured.";
    case LcpErrorCase.invalidHintData:
      return "The data ed by the server for the hint is not valid.";
    case LcpErrorCase.archive:
      return "Coudn't instantiate the archive object.";
    case LcpErrorCase.fileNotInArchive:
      return "The file you requested couldn't be found in the archive.";
    case LcpErrorCase.noPassphraseFound:
      return "Couldn't find a valide passphrase in the database, please provide a passphrase.";
    case LcpErrorCase.emptyPassphrase:
      return "The passphrase provided is empty.";
    case LcpErrorCase.invalidJson:
      return "The JSON license is not valid.";
    case LcpErrorCase.invalidContext:
      return "The context provided is invalid.";
    case LcpErrorCase.crlFetching:
      return "Error while fetching the certificate revocation list.";
    case LcpErrorCase.invalidPassphrase:
      return "The passphrase entered is not valid.";
    case LcpErrorCase.renewPeriod:
      return "Incorrect renewal period, your publication could not be renewed.";
    case LcpErrorCase.unknown:
      return "Unknown error";