expand method

String expand(
  1. Map<String, String> parameters

Expands the HREF by replacing URI template variables by the given parameters.


String expand(Map<String, String> parameters) {
  // `+` is considered like an encoded space, and will not be properly encoded in parameters.
  // This is an issue for ISO 8601 date for example.
  // As a workaround, we encode manually this character. We don't do it in the full URI,
  // because it could contain some legitimate +-as-space characters.
  Map<String, String> params = parameters
      .map((key, value) => MapEntry(key, value.replaceFirst("+", "~~+~~")));

  // Escaping the last } is somehow required, otherwise the regex can't be parsed on a Pixel
  // 3a. However, without it works with the unit tests.
  String expanded = uri.replaceAllMapped(RegExp("\\{(\\??)([^}]+)\\}"), (it) {
    if (it.group(1)?.isEmpty == true) {
      return _expandSimpleString(it.group(2)!, params);
    } else {
      return _expandFormStyle(it.group(2)!, params);

  return Href(expanded)
      .replaceAll("~~+~~", "%2B")
      .replaceAll("~~%20~~", "%2B");