startDocumentScanner abstract method

Future<void> startDocumentScanner({
  1. required int maximumNumberOfPages,
  2. required bool galleryImportAllowed,
  3. required MlkitDocumentScannerMode scannerMode,
  4. required DocumentScannerResultMode resultMode,

This method starts the document scanner. It tries to mimic the official API as much as possible. Refer to this URL for more information:

  • maximumNumberOfPages sets the limit to the number of pages scanned.
  • galleryImportAllowed enable or disable the capability to import from the photo gallery.
  • scannerMode customize the editing functionalities available to the user by choosing from 3 modes available in MlkitDocumentScannerMode.
  • resultMode sets the result format, this is, either JPEG pages or a single PDF document. This will determine which stream (jpegScanResults or pdfScanResults) will receive updates.


Future<void> startDocumentScanner({
  required int maximumNumberOfPages,
  required bool galleryImportAllowed,
  required MlkitDocumentScannerMode scannerMode,
  required DocumentScannerResultMode resultMode,