SoftmaxRegressor.fromJson constructor

  1. String json

Restores previously fitted classifier instance from the json

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:ml_dataframe/ml_dataframe.dart';

final data = <Iterable>[
  ['feature 1', 'feature 2', 'feature 3', 'outcome 1', 'outcome 2']
  [        5.0,         7.0,         6.0,         1.0,         0.0],
  [        1.0,         2.0,         3.0,         0.0,         1.0],
  [       10.0,        12.0,        31.0,         0.0,         1.0],
  [        9.0,         8.0,         5.0,         0.0,         1.0],
  [        4.0,         0.0,         1.0,         1.0,         0.0],
final targetNames = ['outcome 1', 'outcome 2'];
final samples = DataFrame(data, headerExists: true);
final classifier = SoftmaxRegressor(
  iterationsLimit: 2,
  initialLearningRate: 1.0,
  batchSize: 5,
  fitIntercept: true,
  interceptScale: 3.0,

final pathToFile = './classifier.json';

await classifier.saveAsJson(pathToFile);

final file = File(pathToFile);
final json = await file.readAsString();
final restoredClassifier = SoftmaxRegressor.fromJson(json);

// here you can use previously fitted restored classifier to make
// some prediction, e.g. via `restoredClassifier.predict(...)`;


factory SoftmaxRegressor.fromJson(String json) => initSoftmaxRegressorModule()