positiveLabel property

num positiveLabel

A value using to encode positive class.


Given a positive class label equals 100

Given a negative class label equals -100

Given a dataset

feature_1 | feature_2 | feature_3 | target class 1 | target class 2 | target class 3

123 | 233 | 444 | 100 | -100 | -100

333 | 100 | 101 | 100 | -100 | -100

321 | 911 | 321 | -100 | 100 | -100

221 | 987 | 222 | -100 | -100 | 100

908 | 404 | 503 | -100 | 100 | -100

If a prediction algorithm meets 100 in a target column, it will interpret the value as a positive outcome for the corresponding class


num get positiveLabel;