evaluate abstract method

Future<Vector> evaluate(
  1. ModelFactory createModel,
  2. MetricType metricType, {
  3. DataPreprocessFn? onDataSplit,

Returns a future that is resolved with a vector of scores of quality of a model depending on given metricType


createModel A function that returns a model to be evaluated

metricType A metric used to assess a model created by createModel

onDataSplit A callback that is called when a new train-test split is ready to be passed into a model. One may place some additional data-dependent logic here, e.g., data preprocessing. The callback accepts train and test data from a new split and returns a transformed split as a list, where the first element is train data and the second one is test data, both of DataFrame type. This new transformed split will be passed into the model


final data = DataFrame([
    [ 1,  1,  1,   1],
    [ 2,  3,  4,   5],
    [18, 71, 15,  61],
    [19,  0, 21, 331],
    [11, 10,  9,  40],
  header: header,
  headerExists: false,
final modelFactory = (trainData) =>
  KnnRegressor(trainData, 'col_3', k: 4);
final onDataSplit = (trainData, testData) {
  final standardizer = Standardizer(trainData);
  return [
final validator = CrossValidator.kFold(data);
final scores = await validator.evaluate(
  onDataSplit: onDataSplit,
final averageScore = scores.mean();



Future<Vector> evaluate(
  ModelFactory createModel,
  MetricType metricType, {
  DataPreprocessFn? onDataSplit,