setOnce method

void setOnce(
  1. String prop,
  2. String to

Works just like groupSet() except it will not overwrite existing property values. This is useful for properties like "First login date".

  • prop The name of the Mixpanel property. This must be a String, for example "Zip Code"
  • to The value to set on the given property name. For "Zip Code", this value might be the String "90210"


void setOnce(String prop, String to) {
  if (_MixpanelHelper.isValidString(prop)) {
    Map<String, dynamic> properties = {prop: to};

    _channel.invokeMethod<void>('groupSetPropertyOnce', <String, dynamic>{
      'token': this._token,
      'groupKey': this._groupKey,
      'groupID': this._groupID,
      'properties': properties
  } else {
    developer.log('`group setOnce` failed: prop cannot be blank',
        name: 'Mixpanel');