validate static method

Future<Mv> validate(
  1. Map<String, dynamic> request,
  2. dynamic rule


static Future<Mv> validate(Map<String, dynamic> request, dynamic rule) async {
  try {
    // accept rule in Map & String only
    if (rule is! Map && rule is! String) {
      throw Exception('Rule must be Map or String');

    List<String> errors = [], errKeys = [], types = [];

    // function to put error message to errors and error keys to errKeys
    void addError(String key, String message) {

    // check if request is Map<String, TextEditingController>
    bool isMapTec = request is Map<String, TextEditingController>;

    // turn request into map
    Map<String, dynamic> map = isMapTec
        ?, value) => MapEntry(key, value.text))
        : request;

    if (rule is String && rule.contains('required.all')) {
      List<String> except = rule.split('|');

      map.forEach((k, v) {
        if (v == null || '$v'.trim().isEmpty) {
          if (except.length > 1) {
            List excepts = except[1].split(',');

            if (!excepts.contains(k)) {
              addError(k, '$k is required');
          } else {
            addError(k, '$k is required');
    } else {
      // check request configuration
      List<String> rules = rule.keys.toList().cast<String>();

      // remove where rules key is not in map
      rules.removeWhere((k) => !map.containsKey(k));

      // check configuration
      for (var k in rules) {
        List<String> rules = rule[k].split('|');

        // check required
        if (rules.contains('required')) {
          if (map[k] == null || '${map[k]}'.trim().isEmpty) {
            addError(k, '$k is required');

        // check email validation
        if (rules.contains('email')) {
          if (!'${map[k]}'.isEmail) {
            addError(k, '$k is not valid email');

        // check numeric
        if (rules.contains('numeric')) {
          if (map[k] != null && !RegExp(r'^[0-9]+$').hasMatch('${map[k]}')) {
            addError(k, '$k must be numeric');

        // check min length
        if (rule[k].contains('min')) {
          // get string between 'min:' and '|'
          String min = rule[k].split('min:')[1].split('|')[0];
          if (map[k] == null || '${map[k]}'.length < int.parse(min)) {
            addError(k, 'min length of $k is $min');

        // check max length
        if (rule[k].contains('max')) {
          // get string between 'max:' and '|'
          String max = rule[k].split('max:')[1].split('|')[0];
          if (map[k] == null || '${map[k]}'.length > int.parse(max)) {
            addError(k, 'max length of $k is $max');

    Map<String, dynamic> result = {};

    // take first error
    if (errors.isNotEmpty && errKeys.isNotEmpty) {
      String error = errors.first;

      result = {
        'key': errKeys.first,
        'type': types.isEmpty ? '' : types.first,
        'message': error,
        'errors': {
          'messages': errors,
          'keys': errKeys,

    return Mv(ok: errors.isEmpty, error: result['message'], result: result);
  } catch (e) {
    return Mv(ok: false);