BoxUtility class Utilities


Utility functions and short utils are listed in Static Methods


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

align(Alignment align) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: align
backgroundColor(Color color) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: bgColor
border({Color? color, double? width, BorderStyle? style, Border? asBorder}) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: border (Border attributes for all border sides)
borderColor(Color color) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: borderColor (Border color for all border sides)
borderRadius(BorderRadiusDto radius) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: (none: see rounded)
borderStyle(BorderStyle style) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: borderStyle (Border style for all border sides)
borderWidth(double width) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: borderWidth (Border width for all border sides)
elevation(int elevation) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: elevation
height(double height) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: height, h
linearGradient({Alignment begin = Alignment.centerLeft, Alignment end = Alignment.centerRight, required List<Color> colors, List<double>? stops, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, GradientTransform? transform}) BoxAttributes
margin(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: margin, m
marginBottom(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: marginBottom, mb
marginHorizontal(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: marginHorizontal, marginX, mx
marginInsets(EdgeInsets insets) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: marginInsets, mi
marginLeft(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: marginLeft, ml
marginRight(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: marginRight, mr
marginTop(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: marginTop, mt
marginVertical(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: marginVertical, marginY, my
maxHeight(double maxHeight) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: maxHeight, maxH
maxWidth(double maxWidth) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: maxWidth, maxW
minHeight(double minHeight) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: minHeight, minH
minWidth(double minWidth) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: minWidth, minW
padding(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: padding, p
paddingBottom(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: paddingBottom, pb
paddingHorizontal(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: paddingHorizontal, px
paddingInsets(EdgeInsets insets) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: paddingInsets, pi
paddingLeft(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: paddingLeft, pl
paddingRight(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: paddingRight, pr
paddingTop(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: paddingTop, pt
paddingVertical(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: paddingVertical, py
radialGradient({Alignment center =, double radius = 0.5, required List<Color> colors, List<double>? stops, TileMode tileMode = TileMode.clamp, AlignmentGeometry? focal, double focalRadius = 0.0, GradientTransform? transform}) BoxAttributes
rounded(double value) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: rounded, r (Rounded corners)
roundedOnly({double? topLeft, double? topRight, double? bottomLeft, double? bottomRight}) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: roundedTR, roundedBR, roundedTL, roundedBL (Rounding select corners)
shadow({Color? color, Offset? offset, double? blurRadius, double? spreadRadius}) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: shadow
squared() BoxAttributes
Short Utils: squared (Squared corners)
width(double width) BoxAttributes
Short Utils: width, w