ChatController class

  • Object
  • GetLifeCycle
  • DisposableInterface
  • GetxController
  • FullLifeCycleController
  • ChatController
Mixed in types
  • FullLifeCycleMixin
  • GetTickerProviderStateMixin




audioSavePath String
getter/setter pair
availableAttachments ↔ RxList<AttachmentIcon>
getter/setter pair
availableFeatures ↔ Rx<AvailableFeatures>
getter/setter pair
base64img ↔ RxString
getter/setter pair
calendar DateTime
getter/setter pair
canBeCopied ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
canBeCopiedSet bool
getter/setter pair
canBeForwarded ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
canBeForwardedSet bool
getter/setter pair
canBeReplied ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
canBeShared ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
canBeSharedSet bool
getter/setter pair
canBeStarred ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
canBeStarredSet bool
getter/setter pair
canBeUnStarred ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
canBeUnStarredSet bool
getter/setter pair
canEditMessage ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
canShowInfo ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
canShowReport ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
chatList ↔ RxList<ChatMessageModel>
getter/setter pair
chatLoading ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
color ↔ Rx<Color>
getter/setter pair
containsRecalled ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
context BuildContext
controller AnimationController
getter/setter pair
deBouncer DeBouncer
editMessageController TextEditingController
getter/setter pair
editMessageText ↔ RxString
getter/setter pair
filePath ↔ RxString
getter/setter pair
filteredPosition ↔ RxList<int>
getter/setter pair
focusNode FocusNode
getter/setter pair
groupParticipantsName ↔ RxString
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasListeners bool
no setterinherited
hasPaused bool
getter/setter pair
imagePath ↔ RxString
getter/setter pair
initialized bool
Checks whether the controller has already been initialized.
no setterinherited
initializedMessageList bool
getter/setter pair
isAudioCallAvailable bool
no setter
isAudioRecording ↔ RxString
getter/setter pair
isBlocked ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
isClosed bool
Checks whether the controller has already been closed.
no setterinherited
isKeyboardVisible ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
isMemberOfGroup bool
getter/setter pair
isReplying ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
isSelected ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
isTrail bool
no setter
isUserTyping ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
isVideoCallAvailable bool
no setter
itemPositionsListener → ItemPositionsListener
j int
getter/setter pair
lastInputValue String
getter/setter pair
lastPosition ↔ RxInt
getter/setter pair
listeners int
no setterinherited
messageController TextEditingController
getter/setter pair
messageObject ↔ MessageObject?
getter/setter pair
newitemPositionsListener ↔ ItemPositionsListener
getter/setter pair
newScrollController ↔ ItemScrollController
getter/setter pair
nJid String?
getter/setter pair
onDelete → InternalFinalCallback<void>
Internal callback that starts the cycle of this controller.
onStart → InternalFinalCallback<void>
Called at the exact moment the widget is allocated in memory. It uses an internal "callable" type, to avoid any @overrides in subclases. This method should be internal and is required to define the lifetime cycle of the subclass.
playingChat ChatMessageModel?
getter/setter pair
profile → ProfileDetails
no setter
profile_ ↔ Rx<ProfileDetails>
getter/setter pair
record ↔ AudioRecorder
getter/setter pair
recordedAudioPath String
getter/setter pair
replyChatMessage ChatMessageModel
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
searchedNxt String
getter/setter pair
searchedPrev String
getter/setter pair
searchedText TextEditingController
getter/setter pair
searchfocusNode FocusNode
getter/setter pair
searchScrollController ↔ ItemScrollController
getter/setter pair
selectedChatList ↔ RxList<ChatMessageModel>
getter/setter pair
showChatDeliveryIndicator bool
showEmoji ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
showHideRedirectToLatest ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
showLoadingNext ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
showLoadingPrevious ↔ RxBool
getter/setter pair
starredChatMessageId String?
getter/setter pair
startTime DateTime?
getter/setter pair
subtitle String
no setter
timerInit ↔ RxString
getter/setter pair
topic ↔ Rx<Topics>
getter/setter pair
topicId String
getter/setter pair
typingList ↔ RxList<String>
getter/setter pair
unreadCount ↔ RxInt
getter/setter pair
unreadMessageTypeMessageId String
getter/setter pair
userPresenceStatus ↔ RxString
getter/setter pair


$configureLifeCycle() → void
addChatSelection(ChatMessageModel item) → void
addListener(GetStateUpdate listener) → Disposer
Register a closure to be called when the object notifies its listeners.
addListenerId(Object? key, GetStateUpdate listener) → Disposer
blockUser(BuildContext context) → dynamic
cancelNotification() → void
cancelRecording() Future<void>
cancelReplyMessage() → dynamic
checkAdminBlocked() → dynamic
checkBusyStatusForForward(BuildContext context) → dynamic
checkFile(String mediaLocalStoragePath) → dynamic
clearAllChatSelection() → dynamic
clearChatHistory(bool isStarredExcluded, BuildContext context) → dynamic
clearChatSelection(ChatMessageModel chatList) → dynamic
clearMessage() → dynamic
clearUserChatHistory(BuildContext context) → dynamic
closeKeyBoard() → void
copyTextMessages() → dynamic
createTicker(TickerCallback onTick) Ticker
Creates a ticker with the given callback.
deleteMessages(BuildContext context) → void
deleteRecording() Future<void>
didChangeAccessibilityFeatures() → void
Called when the system changes the set of currently active accessibility features.
didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) → void
Called when the system puts the app in the background or returns the app to the foreground.
didChangeDependencies(BuildContext context) → void
didChangeLocales(List<Locale>? locales) → void
Called when the system tells the app that the user's locale has changed. For example, if the user changes the system language settings.
didChangeMetrics() → void
Called when the application's dimensions change. For example, when a phone is rotated.
didChangePlatformBrightness() → void
Called when the platform brightness changes.
didChangeTextScaleFactor() → void
Called when the platform's text scale factor changes.
didHaveMemoryPressure() → void
Called when the system is running low on memory.
didPopRoute() Future<bool>
Called when the system tells the app to pop the current route, such as after a system back button press or back gesture.
didPushRoute(String route) Future<bool>
Called when the host tells the application to push a new route onto the navigator.
didPushRouteInformation(RouteInformation routeInformation) Future<bool>
Called when the host tells the application to push a new RouteInformation and a restoration state onto the router.
didRequestAppExit() Future<AppExitResponse>
Called when a request is received from the system to exit the application.
disableBusyChatAndSend(BuildContext context) → dynamic
displayUnreadMessageSeparator(int separatorPosition) → void
dispose() → void
disposeId(Object id) → void
To dispose an id from future updates(), this ids are registered by GetBuilder() or similar, so is a way to unlink the state change with the Widget from the Controller.
documentPickUpload(BuildContext context) → dynamic
editMessage(BuildContext context) Future<void>
emojiLayout({required TextEditingController textEditingController, required bool sendTypingStatus}) Widget
exportChat() → dynamic
favouriteMessage() → dynamic
findBottomLastVisibleItemPosition() int
findIndexOfUnreadMessageType() → Tuple3<bool, int, String>
findLastVisibleItemPositionForChat() int
findTopFirstVisibleItemPosition() int
forwardMessage() → dynamic
forwardMessageVisibility(ChatMessageModel chat) bool
forwardSingleMessage(String messageId) → dynamic
getAvailableFeatures() → void
getMessageActions() → dynamic
getMessageFromServerAndNavigateToMessage(ChatMessageModel chatMessage, int? index) → void
getMessagePosition(String messageId) int
getMessagesActionDetails() → dynamic
getNextPosition(int end, int start, int previousPos) int?
getParticipantsNameAsCsv(String jid) → dynamic
getPreviousPosition(int end, int start, int previousPos) int?
getTopicDetail() → void
getUnsentMessageOfAJid() → dynamic
getUnsentReplyMessage() → dynamic
gotoSearch() → dynamic
handleCancelBackGesture() → void
Called when a predictive back gesture is canceled, indicating that no navigation should occur.
handleCommitBackGesture() → void
Called when a predictive back gesture is finished successfully, indicating that the current route should be popped.
handleReplyChatMessage(ChatMessageModel chatListItem) → void
handleStartBackGesture(PredictiveBackEvent backEvent) bool
Called at the start of a predictive back gesture.
handleUnreadMessageSeparator({bool remove = true, bool removeFromList = false}) → void
handleUpdateBackGestureProgress(PredictiveBackEvent backEvent) → void
Called when a predictive back gesture moves.
infoPage(BuildContext context) → dynamic
init(BuildContext context, {String? jid, bool isUser = false, bool isFromStarred = false, String? messageId, required bool showChatDeliveryIndicator}) → dynamic
isMessageCanbeRecalled() Map<bool, bool>
isTyping([String? typingText]) → void
isWithinLast15Minutes(int epochTime) bool
lastVisiblePosition() int
loadLastMessages(ChatMessageModel chatMessageModel) → void
loadNextChatHistory() → void
loadPrevORNextMessagesLoad({bool? isReplyMessage}) Future<void>
makeVideoCall() → void
makeVoiceCall() → void
markConversationReadNotifyUI() → void
memberOfGroup() → dynamic
messageInfo() → dynamic
networkConnected() → void
networkDisconnected() → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
notifyChildrens() → void
onAudioClick(BuildContext context) → dynamic
onAvailableFeaturesUpdated(AvailableFeatures features) → void
onCameraClick(BuildContext context) → dynamic
onClose() → void
Called before onDelete method. onClose might be used to dispose resources used by the controller. Like closing events, or streams before the controller is destroyed. Or dispose objects that can potentially create some memory leaks, like TextEditingControllers, AnimationControllers. Might be useful as well to persist some data on disk.
onContactClick(BuildContext context) → dynamic
onContactSyncComplete(bool result) → void
onDetached() → void
onGalleryClick(BuildContext context) → dynamic
onGroupProfileUpdated(dynamic groupJid) → void
onHidden() → void
onInactive() → void
onInit() → void
Called immediately after the widget is allocated in memory. You might use this to initialize something for the controller.
onLeftFromGroup({required String groupJid, required String userJid}) → void
onLocationClick(BuildContext context) → dynamic
onMediaStatusUpdated(ChatMessageModel chatMessageModel) → void
onMemberRemovedFromGroup({required String groupJid, required String removedMemberJid, required String removedByMemberJid}) → void
onMessageDeleteNotifyUI({required String chatJid, bool changePosition = true}) → void
onMessageEdited(ChatMessageModel editedChatMessage) → void
onMessageReceived(dynamic chatMessageModel) → void
onMessageStatusUpdated(ChatMessageModel chatMessageModel) Future<void>
onNewMemberAddedToGroup({required String groupJid, required String newMemberJid, required String addedByMemberJid}) → void
onPaused() → void
onReady() → void
Called 1 frame after onInit(). It is the perfect place to enter navigation events, like snackbar, dialogs, or a new route, or async request.
onResumed() → void
onSeekbarChange(double value, ChatMessageModel chatMessage) → void
onUploadDownloadProgressChanged(String messageId, String progressPercentage) → void
pickAudio(BuildContext context) → dynamic
playAudio(ChatMessageModel chatMessage) → dynamic
playerPause() Future<void>
ready() → void
refresh() → void
refreshGroup(Object id) → void
removeChatList(RxList<ChatMessageModel> selectedChatList) → dynamic
removeListener(VoidCallback listener) → void
Remove a previously registered closure from the list of closures that the object notifies.
removeListenerId(Object id, VoidCallback listener) → void
removeUnreadMessageSeparator(int separatorPosition, {bool removeFromList = true}) → void
removeUnreadSeparator() → void
reportChatOrUser(BuildContext context) → dynamic
saveContact() Future<void>
saveUnsentMessage() → dynamic
scrollDown() → dynamic
scrollToBottom() → dynamic
scrollToEnd() → dynamic
scrollToPosition(int position) → void
scrollUp() → dynamic
searchInit() → dynamic
sendAudioMessage(String filePath, bool isRecorded, String duration, BuildContext context) → dynamic
sendContactMessage(List<String> contactList, String contactName, BuildContext context) → dynamic
sendDocumentMessage(String documentPath, String replyMessageId, BuildContext context) → dynamic
sendImageMessage(String? path, String? caption, String? replyMessageID, BuildContext context) → dynamic
sendLocationMessage(ProfileDetails profile, double latitude, double longitude, BuildContext context) → dynamic
sendMessage(ProfileDetails profile, BuildContext context) → dynamic
sendReadReceipt({bool removeUnreadFromList = true}) → dynamic
sendRecordedAudioMessage(BuildContext context) → dynamic
sendUserTypingGoneStatus() → dynamic
sendUserTypingStatus() → dynamic
sendVideoMessage(String videoPath, String caption, String replyMessageID, BuildContext context) → dynamic
setAudioPath() Future<void>
setChatStatus() → dynamic
setMenuItemsValidations(ChatMessageModel message) → dynamic
setMessageActionValidations(ChatMessageModel message) → dynamic
setOnGoingUserAvail() → void
setOnGoingUserGone() → void
setPlayingChat(ChatMessageModel chatMessage) → void
setSearch(String text) → dynamic
setTypingStatus(String singleOrgroupJid, String userId, String typingStatus) → void
share() → void
showAttachmentsView(BuildContext context) → dynamic
showBlockStatusAlert(Function? function, BuildContext context) → dynamic
showBottomSheetAttachment(BuildContext context) → dynamic
showBusyStatusAlert(Function? function, BuildContext context) → dynamic
showError(FlyException? response) → void
showFullWindowDialog() → dynamic
showHideEmoji(BuildContext context) → void
showStarredMessage() → dynamic
startRecording(BuildContext context) → dynamic
startTimer() → void
stopRecording() Future<void>
syncContacts() → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
translateMessage(int index) Future<void>
unblockedThisUser(String jid) → void
unBlockUser(BuildContext context) → dynamic
unReadMessageScrollPosition(int position) → void
update([List<Object>? ids, bool condition = true]) → void
Rebuilds GetBuilder each time you call update(); Can take a List of ids, that will only update the matching GetBuilder( id: ), ids can be reused among GetBuilders like group tags. The update will only notify the Widgets, if condition is true.
updateAvailableFeature(AvailableFeatures features) → void
updateLastMessage(dynamic value) → void
updateProfile(String jid) Future<void>
updateSentMessage({required ChatMessageModel chatItem}) → void
userBlockedMe(String jid) → void
userCameOnline(dynamic jid) → void
userDeletedHisProfile(String jid) → void
userUpdatedHisProfile(String jid) → void
userWentOffline(dynamic jid) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.