isDateChanged function

bool isDateChanged(
  1. int position,
  2. List<ChatMessageModel> mChatData

Checks the current header id with previous header id @param position Position of the current item @return boolean True if header changed, else false


bool isDateChanged(int position, List<ChatMessageModel> mChatData) {
  // try {
  var prePosition = position + 1;
  var size = mChatData.length - 1;
  if (position == size) {
    return true;
  } else {
    if (prePosition <= size && position <= size) {
      // debugPrint("position $position $size");
      // debugPrint("sentTime ${mChatData[position].messageSentTime}");
      // debugPrint("pre sentTime ${mChatData[prePosition].messageSentTime}");
      var currentHeaderId = mChatData[position].messageSentTime.toInt();
      var previousHeaderId = mChatData[prePosition].messageSentTime.toInt();
      return currentHeaderId != previousHeaderId;
  // }catch(e){
  //   return false;
  // }
  return false; //currentHeaderId != previousHeaderId;