toJson method

Map<String, dynamic> toJson()

Converts a CallLog instance to a JSON map.

This method serializes the CallLog instance into a JSON map, making it easy to encode the call log data into a JSON string for storage or transmission.

Returns a JSON map representation of the CallLog.


Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
      "callMode": callMode,
      "callState": callState,
      "callTime": callTime,
      "callType": callType,
      "callerDevice": callerDevice,
      "endTime": endTime,
      "fromUser": fromUser,
      "groupId": groupId,
      "inviteUserList": inviteUserList == null
          ? []
          : List<String>.from(inviteUserList!.map((x) => x)),
      "isCarbonAnswered": isCarbonAnswered,
      "isDeleted": isDeleted,
      "isDisplay": isDisplay,
      "isSync": isSync,
      "roomId": roomId,
      "rowId": rowId,
      "sessionStatus": sessionStatus,
      "startTime": startTime,
      "toUser": toUser,
          userList == null ? [] : List<dynamic>.from(userList!.map((x) => x)),
      "nickName": nickName