updateRecentChatPinStatus static method

dynamic updateRecentChatPinStatus({
  1. required String jid,
  2. required bool pinStatus,

Updates the pin status of a recent chat.

This static method is used to update the pin status of a recent chat identified by its unique JID.


  • jid: The unique identifier (JID) of the chat.
  • pinStatus: The new pin status to be set for the chat.

Returns a Future<void> representing the completion of the update operation.


await Mirrorfly.updateRecentChatPinStatus(jid: 'example@domain.com', pinStatus: true);


static updateRecentChatPinStatus(
    {required String jid, required bool pinStatus}) {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance
      .updateRecentChatPinStatus(jid, pinStatus);