getUserList static method

Future<void> getUserList({
  1. int page = 1,
  2. String search = "",
  3. int perPageResultSize = 20,
  4. MetaDataUserList? metaDataUserList,
  5. required dynamic flyCallback(
    1. FlyResponse response

Retrieves a list of users from the Mirrorfly platform.

Retrieves a paginated list of users based on the specified page number and optional search query. The page parameter specifies the page number to retrieve. The optional search parameter allows filtering users based on a search query. The perPageResultSize parameter specifies the number of users to retrieve per page (default is 20). The flyCallback parameter is a callback function that handles the response from the platform. The metaDataUserList parameter is optional and represents additional metadata associated with the User.

Example usage:

await Mirrorfly.getUserList(
  page: 1,
  search: "John Doe",
  perPageResultSize: 10,
  flyCallback: (response) {
    // Handle the response from the Mirrorfly platform
      if (response.hasData) {
        var list = userListFromJson(;

Throws a PlatformException if an error occurs during the API call.


static Future<void> getUserList(
    {int page = 1,
    String search = "",
    int perPageResultSize = 20,
    MetaDataUserList? metaDataUserList,
    required Function(FlyResponse response) flyCallback}) {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance.getUserList(
      page, search, metaDataUserList, flyCallback,
      perPageResultSize: perPageResultSize);