getJidFromPhoneNumber static method
Retrieves the JID associated with a given phone number.
This method queries the Mirrorfly to find the JID associated with the specified mobile number and country code. It is useful for converting a user's phone number into their JID, which is required for various operations within the Mirrorfly platform.
- The mobile number of the user whose JID is to be retrieved.
- The country code of the user's mobile number.
A Future<String?> that completes with the JID associated with the given phone number
or null
if the JID cannot be found or an error occurs.
Example usage:
String? jid = await Mirrorfly.getJidFromPhoneNumber(
mobileNumber: "1234567890",
countryCode: "+1",
if (jid != null) {
print("JID: $jid");
} else {
print("JID not found or error occurred");
static Future<String?> getJidFromPhoneNumber(
{required String mobileNumber, required String countryCode}) async {
return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance
.getJidFromPhoneNumber(mobileNumber, countryCode);