Mirai Responsive

MiraiDevs contact@miraidevs.com


MiraiDevs developed the Mirai Responsive Package for Custom Sizes For Any Mobile Device. This package provides a robust solution for creating responsive layouts that automatically adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.


  1. Add mirai_responsive as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
   mirai_responsive: <latest_version>
  1. Import the mirai_responsive package.
import 'package:mirai_responsive/mirai_responsive.dart';

Key Features

  • Responsive layouts for different screen sizes (mobile, tablet, desktop)
  • Automatic orientation handling (portrait and landscape)
  • Predefined spacing and sizing system
  • Dynamic grid system with automatic column adjustment
  • Smooth layout transitions


1. Basic Setup

Initialize MiraiSize in your main widget using LayoutBuilder for better constraint management:

class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: LayoutBuilder(
        builder: (context, constraints) {
            constraints: constraints,
          return YourWidget();

2. Using MiraiResponsive

Create responsive layouts using the MiraiResponsive widget:

  mobile: MobileLayout(),              // For screens < 700px
  landscapeMobileLayout: LandscapeLayout(), // For mobile in landscape
  tablet: TabletLayout(),              // For screens 700px - 1200px
  landscapeTabletLayout: TabletLandscapeLayout(), // For tablet in landscape
  desktop: DesktopLayout(),            // For screens >= 1200px

3. Responsive Grid System

The package includes a smart grid system that automatically adjusts columns based on screen width:

  crossAxisCount: MiraiSize.gridCount, // Automatically adjusts based on screen size

Grid Breakpoints:

  • ≤ 380px: 2 columns (small and medium mobile)
  • ≤ 500px: 3 columns (normal mobile)
  • ≤ 840px: 4 columns (large mobile)
  • ≤ 1200px: 5 columns (tablet)
  • 1200px: 6 columns (desktop)

4. Predefined Sizes

MiraiSize provides various predefined sizes for consistent spacing and dimensions:

// Text Sizes
  style: TextStyle(fontSize: MiraiSize.textSize24),

// Spacing
SizedBox(height: MiraiSize.space16)
Padding(padding: EdgeInsets.all(MiraiSize.space20))

// Icon Sizes
  size: MiraiSize.iconSize32,

// Container Sizes
  height: MiraiSize.containerHeight90,

// Border Radius
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(MiraiSize.radius8)

5. Device-Specific Layouts

Create custom layouts for different devices:

class MobileLayout extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return SingleChildScrollView(
      padding: EdgeInsets.all(MiraiSize.space16),
      child: Column(
        children: [
            'Mobile Layout',
            style: TextStyle(
              fontSize: MiraiSize.textSize24,
              fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
          // Your mobile-specific content

6. Screen Size Categories

MiraiSize automatically detects and adjusts to different device sizes:

  • Small Mobile: ≤ 320px
  • Medium Mobile: 321px - 380px
  • Mobile: 381px - 660px
  • Large Mobile: 661px - 840px
  • Tablet: 841px - 1200px
  • Desktop: > 1200px

7. Checking Device Type

You can check the current device type using MiraiResponsive's static methods:

if (MiraiResponsive.isMobile(context)) {
  // Mobile-specific logic
} else if (MiraiResponsive.isTablet(context)) {
  // Tablet-specific logic
} else if (MiraiResponsive.isDesktop(context)) {
  // Desktop-specific logic

Size Categories

MiraiSize provides various size categories that automatically adjust based on screen size:

  1. Text Sizes:

    • textSize8 to textSize36
  2. Spacing:

    • space2 to space100
  3. Container Heights:

    • containerHeight3 to containerHeight500
  4. Container Widths:

    • containerWidth2 to containerWidth260
  5. Icon Sizes:

    • iconSize10 to iconSize98
  6. Border Radius:

    • radius2 to radius50


Check out our example project for more detailed implementations and use cases.


If the Mirai Responsive package matches your needs, please do not hesitate to support the package. I would be very grateful if you buy me a cup of coffee.

Buy Me A Coffee


MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details

