Mirai Framework

The Mirai Framework package contains the framework files for Mirai, such as MiraiParser and MiraiActionParser. These classes provide a simple way to create custom parsers for widgets and actions in Mirai. This can be useful for extending the functionality of Mirai or for implementing custom widgets and actions.

Here are some examples of how the Mirai Framework package can be used:

  • Create a custom parser for a new widget that is not supported by Mirai out of the box.
  • Create a custom parser for a widget that has additional functionality, such as the ability to handle user input.
  • Create a custom action parser to handle a new type of action, such as sending a message to a remote server.
  • Create a custom action parser to handle an existing action in a different way, such as logging the action before it is executed.

Installation 🚀

First, we need to add Mirai Framework to our pubspec.yaml file.

Install the plugin by running the following command from the project root:

flutter pub add mirai_framework


  1. Import mirai_framework.dart at the top of your parser file.
 import 'package:mirai_framework/mirai_framework.dart';
  1. Initialize your custom parser for a widget or an action and extend it from MiraiParser or MiraiActionParser like this.

        // define `MyCustomWidget`
        class MyCustomWidget with _$MyCustomWidget { ... }

    a. Let's say we are initializing a widget parser.

    class MiraiWidgetPraser extends MiraiParser<MyCustomWidget> { 

    b. Let's say we are initializing an action parser.

    class MiraiActionPraser  extends MiraiActionParser<dynamic> {
  2. Now implement the required methods in your custom parser.

    a. Let's say we are building a widget parser.

    class MiraiWidgetParser  extends MiraiParser<MyCustomWidget> {
        MyCustomWidget getModel(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
            // TODO: implement getModel
            throw UnimplementedError();
        Widget parse(BuildContext context, MyCustomWidget model) {
            // TODO: implement parse
            throw UnimplementedError();
        // TODO: implement type
        String get type => throw UnimplementedError();

    b. Let's say we are building an action parser.

    class MiraiActionPraser  extends MiraiActionParser<dynamic> {
        // TODO: implement actionType
        String get actionType => throw UnimplementedError();
        getModel(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
            // TODO: implement getModel
            throw UnimplementedError();
        FutureOr onCall(BuildContext context, model) {
            // TODO: implement onCall
            throw UnimplementedError();

