presignedPostPolicy method

Future presignedPostPolicy(
  1. PostPolicy postPolicy

presignedPostPolicy can be used in situations where we want more control on the upload than what presignedPutObject() provides. i.e Using presignedPostPolicy we will be able to put policy restrictions on the object's name bucket expiry Content-Type


Future presignedPostPolicy(PostPolicy postPolicy) async {
  if (_client.anonymous) {
    throw MinioAnonymousRequestError(
      'Presigned POST policy cannot be generated for anonymous requests',

  final region = await getBucketRegion(postPolicy.formData['bucket']!);
  var date =;
  var dateStr = makeDateLong(date);

  if (postPolicy.policy['expiration'] == null) {
    // 'expiration' is mandatory field for S3.
    // Set default expiration date of 7 days.
    var expires =;
    expires.add(Duration(days: 7));

  postPolicy.policy['conditions'].push(['eq', r'$x-amz-date', dateStr]);
  postPolicy.formData['x-amz-date'] = dateStr;

      .push(['eq', r'$x-amz-algorithm', 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256']);
  postPolicy.formData['x-amz-algorithm'] = 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256';

      ['eq', r'$x-amz-credential', accessKey + '/' + getScope(region, date)]);
  postPolicy.formData['x-amz-credential'] =
      accessKey + '/' + getScope(region, date);

  if (sessionToken != null) {
        .push(['eq', r'$x-amz-security-token', sessionToken]);

  final policyBase64 = jsonBase64(postPolicy.policy);
  postPolicy.formData['policy'] = policyBase64;

  final signature =
      postPresignSignatureV4(region, date, secretKey, policyBase64);

  postPolicy.formData['x-amz-signature'] = signature;
  final url = _client
      .getBaseRequest('POST', postPolicy.formData['bucket'], null, region,
          null, null, null, null)
  var portStr = (port == 80 || port == 443) ? '' : ':$port';
  var urlStr = '${url.scheme}://${}$portStr${url.path}';
  return PostPolicyResult(postURL: urlStr, formData: postPolicy.formData);