use<T extends ChangeNotifier> static method

T use<T extends ChangeNotifier>(
  1. BuildContext context

Retrieves the controller of type T from the nearest MinProvider ancestor in the widget tree.

Throws a FlutterError if no MinProvider of type T is found in the widget tree.

Example usage:

final controller =<MyController>(context);

This method ensures that the widget attempting to access the controller has a corresponding MinProvider above it in the widget hierarchy.


static T use<T extends ChangeNotifier>(BuildContext context) {
  final provider = maybeOf<T>(context);
  if (provider == null) {
    throw FlutterError(
      'MinProvider<$T> was not found in the widget tree.\n'
      'Make sure MinProvider<$T> is above the widget that '
      'is trying to access it.',
  return provider.controller;