If you like Either<L, R> datatype from the dartz package, and tired of writting boilerplates for consuming REST Api in Either<L, R> This Package is the solution for you.

MinRest acts as a REST Client and returns data as your DataModel or Entity whichever object you want.


  • Making all kind of http request
  • It returns your DataModel by making a http request and returns Either<YourModel, Error>

Getting started

You need to Initialize the MinRest singleton with the base url Let's do it int the main.dart file

void main() {  

Make a GET request

  1. Your own DataModel class Let's say we have a DataModelnamed UserModel
class UserModel {  
  final String name;  
 final String email;  
  UserModel({required this.name, required this.email});  
 factory UserModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {  
    return UserModel(  
      name: json['name'],  
	  email: json['email'],  
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {  
    return {  
      'name': name,  
	  'email': email,  
  1. Make the API call and get Either<MinRestError, UserModel>
final userOrError = await MinRest().getErrorOr<UserModel>(  
  (json) => UserModel.fromJson(json),  

Note that MinRestError is the default error object MinRest will return in the Left side of Either

  1. Fold and using the data Now you can use userOrError just like any Either<L, R> object. Let's fold userOrError and print the
    • name and email of the user if the request and response is successful. (status code from 200 to 199)
    • or print the error status code and message of the request is failed
  (error) => print("Error: ${error.code} - ${error.message}"),  
  (user) => print("User: ${user.name} - ${user.email}"),  


How to use MinRest

Get Request

final userOrError = await MinRest().getErrorOr<UserModel>(  
  (json) => UserModel.fromJson(json),  
  token: token.accessToken, 

Post Request

final postData = await MinRest().postErrorOr<UserModel>(  
  (json) => UserModel.fromJson(json),  
  token: token.accessToken,

Patch Request

final patchData = MinRest().patchErrorOr<UserModel>(  
  uri: "/auth/update-profile",  
  data: userModel.toJson(),  
  deSerializer: (json) => UserModel.fromJson(json),  
  errorDeserializer: (json) => AppError.fromJson(json),  
  token: token.accessToken,  

Delete Request

final deleteData = MinRest().deleteErrorOr(  
  uri: "/auth/delete-account",  
  deSerializer: (json) => RestResponseNoEntity.fromJson(json),  
  errorDeserializer: (json) => AppError.fromJson(json),  
  token: token.accessToken,  

Here AppError is your custom ErrorModel, (Later this will be implemented in other methods as well, Get and Post methods now returns MinRestError only)


