Micro Serve

pub package

The micro_serve package for Flutter is designed to initialize an HTTP server that efficiently manages requests and server-side operations within applications using raw Dart code.



  • HTTP Handling: Manage incoming HTTP requests and send responses.

  • Routing: Define routes (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH) and link them to request handlers.

  • Request Parsing: Read and parse query parameters, headers and body from requests.

  • Response Handling: Create and send responses with status codes and content.

  • Error Handling: Gracefully manage errors and send appropriate error responses.

Getting started

Add the package to your pubspec.yaml file:

  micro_serve: <latest version>

Open (android/app/src/main/) AndroidManifest.xml and add this line:

<manifest xmlns:android="...">
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <!-- Add this -->

macOS apps must allow network access in the relevant *.entitlements files:


Import the Package:

import 'package:micro_serve/micro_serve.dart';

Initialize the Server:

void main() {
  final MicroServe server = MicroServe();

  server.get("/test", (ServerContext serverContext) async {
    final Response response = Response(
      statusCode: 200,
      data: "Welcome Micro-Serve",

  server.listen(ipAddress: "", port: 3000);


Create an Object of MicroServe:

final MicroServe _server = MicroServe();

Server On Function:

void _serverOn() async {
  //Define Routes
  _server.put("/update", _updateTask);

  //Get WiFi IP Address
  final String? lanWifiIp = await Network.getIp(NetworkType.wlan);
  const int port = 3000;

  // Server Start
    ipAddress: lanWifiIp,
    port: port,
    callBack: (_) {
      print("Server initiated");

Server Off Function:

void _serverOff() async {
  await _server.close();

Handler Function:

void _updateTask(ServerContext serverContext) async {
  //Get Client Request From Request() Of ServerContext
  final Request request = serverContext.request;

  final int id = int.parse(request.queryParams["id"]!);
  final String name = jsonDecode(request.body)["name"];
  final bool isDone = jsonDecode(request.body)["isDone"];
  final String? apiKey = request.headers["api-key"];

  // print("Client IP: ${serverContext.connectionInfo.address}");

  //Create an Object of Response() to Send Client
  final Response response = Response();

  if (apiKey != "abcd1234") {
    //Edit Response Object as Preference 1
    response.statusCode = HttpStatus.unauthorized_401.code;
    response.data = {"message": "invalid api key"};
  } else if (!_taskStore.containsKey(id)) {
    //Edit Response Object as Preference 2
    response.statusCode = HttpStatus.notFound_404.code;
    response.data = {"message": "not found"};
  } else {
    _taskStore[id]!.name = name;
    _taskStore[id]!.isDone = isDone;

    //Edit Response Object as Preference 3
    response.statusCode = HttpStatus.accepted_202.code;
    response.data = {"message": "updated successfully"};

  //Send Response to Client

API Reference

Method PUT:



key value
api-key abcd1234


  "name" : "mh task",
  "isDone" : true


Android iOS MacOS Web Linux Windows

The functionality is not supported on Web.

Additional information

Micro Serve plugin is developed by Mahadi Hassan

mithun.2121@yahoo.com | LinkedIn | GitHub | Website

