writePoints method

Future<void> writePoints(
  1. String objectName,
  2. List<SkiaPerfPoint> points

Write a list of SkiaPerfPoint into a GCS file with name objectName in the proper json format that's understandable by Skia perf services.

The objectName must be a properly formatted string returned by computeObjectName.

The read may retry multiple times if transient network errors with code 504 happens.


Future<void> writePoints(
    String objectName, List<SkiaPerfPoint> points) async {
  final String jsonString = jsonEncode(SkiaPerfPoint.toSkiaPerfJson(points));
  final List<int> content = utf8.encode(jsonString);

  // Retry multiple times as GCS may return 504 timeout.
  for (int retry = 0; retry < 5; retry += 1) {
    try {
      await _gcsBucket.writeBytes(objectName, content);
    } catch (e) {
      if (e is DetailedApiRequestError && e.status == 504) {
  // Retry one last time and let the exception go through.
  await _gcsBucket.writeBytes(objectName, content);